060: Rachel Heinz is changing the world! Special Needs, Inclusion, and ONE HECK OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

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Perspective is the precious gift Rachel gives us in this interview. We were left inspired, encouraged, and educated on a subject many people may avoid: special needs and disability. Listen to her tips on what to say/what not say/ inclusion and how to change the world!
F.I.V.E. things that I would tell a mom whose child just received a diagnoses of any kind:

Give yourself time: to process and FEEL whatever is on your heart.
Take it one day at a time, don't jump too far ahead to the future. Just get through today.
Remember that a diagnoses is just a small part of who your child is; it does not define them.
When you are ready, connect with another mom who has been on a similar journey or find a support network that can offer resources for you and your family.
Advocate for what you know is best for your child - you will make a big difference in their life and the lives of other people/families.

Promoting Opportunities for Work Education and Resilience - a two year inclusive postsecondary program at Missouri State University for students with intellectual disabilities.
Learn more by visiting the official Bear POWER website: missouristate.edu/bearpower/
Find MSU Bear POWER on facebook and "like" our page to follow program updates - facebook.com/msubearpower
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060: Rachel Heinz is changing the world! Special Needs, Inclusion, and ONE HECK OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.

060: Rachel Heinz is changing the world! Special Needs, Inclusion, and ONE HECK OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
Release Date
