New Year new opportunities

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I’ve never quite found a winter holiday that speaks to me on such a deep, spiritual level as New Year’s. It is such as special time because it lets us start over for the year. Some things will follow us into this new year that too is fine because we have hope. The hope of a fresh start the hope of a better year. Part of my New Year’s tradition is reflecting on the past year. And really, how much do any of us want to look back and reflect on the year that was 2020? Just like when we clean our house so we don’t bring that mess into the new year we also need to clean our minds and our souls from the mess that last year has placed on us. We need to be thankful for the lessons we learned, connections to loved ones that were made or strengthened and any progress that was made in our lives. At the same time though we need to release all things from the past year that has caused any negative attachment and move into the new year refreshed.
I’m prepared to welcome new changes, new lessons, and new adventures into my life and I’m sure you are as well. We need to be ready to welcome the new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually as we move into 2021.
Every year I like to pick a word that sets how I will approach the new year. So what’s my word for 2021? This year I have two the first is change because we all need a little change after 2020 my second word is foundation. I will continue to work at building the foundation for my new life, for my business, for this church, for this podcast and community.
It’s time for me to set down a strong foundation to build from. 2021 is going to be a great building year for myself, for my family, and I hope for you. I hope you too decide to use 2021 as the year to build the strong foundation that will support your life and that you can build upon.
What’s your word for 2021? What’s the one word you hope will define your upcoming year?

New Year new opportunities

New Year new opportunities
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