9 Nobel Virtues

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In many Norse Paganism branches, including but not limited to Asatru, adherents follow a set of
guidelines known as the Nine Noble Virtues. This set of moral and ethical standards is drawn from
several sources, both historical and literary. Sources include the Havamal, the Poetic and Prose
Eddas, and many of the Icelandic sagas. Although various Asatruar branches interpret these nine
virtues in slightly different ways, there seems to be some universality as to what the virtues are and
what they stand for.
With the understanding that we can learn something from all religions today, I would like to speak to
you about the benefits of living a life by the nine noble truths. Following the nine noble truths will
benefit your personal life, your family, and your community. But first, what are the 9 Noble Virtues.
The Nine Noble Virtues is a set of moral and situational ethical guidelines within specific groupings
of Odinism. They are supposedly based on virtues found in historical Norse paganism, gleaned from
various sources including the Poetic Edda (particularly the Hávamál and the Sigrdrífumál), and as
evident in the Icelandic Sagas). Regardless of whether this is true or something that was put together
recently, they are valuable rules to live our lives by. The Nine Noble Virtues of Norse Paganism
include moral and ethical standards drawn from several historical and literary sources.

9 Nobel Virtues

9 Nobel Virtues
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