Amazing Grace

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Have you thought of yourself as a wretch? I would say few of us take that personal perspective, but John Newton saw himself in that way and had lived a life that validated it. A brief look at his life gives us a glimpse at the saving grace, the Amazing Grace, that turns our lives around, transforms us, and directs us on the path to become more like Jesus. The dedication of a godly, devout mother was eventually answered when John entered the ministry and was a Christ-follower the rest of his days. It is a testimony to God's grace that He can reach us and redeem us no matter what we have done with our lives. Have you committed your life to Christ? Do you know His forgiveness and have peace with Him? If not, take a moment now, confess your sin to Him, and ask Him to take control of your life and give you the same amazing grace He gave John Newton.

If you would like to send a comment or have a question about the podcast, please send an email to . I look forward to hearing from you.

Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.

Amazing Grace

On Jordan's Stormy Banks
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