Master the Tempest is Raging

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When there is tempest in our lives, how do we respond and react to it?  Are we like Mary Ann Baker and question what a "God of love" is doing in our lives?  How often do the tragedies of life toss us around like the small fishing boats in the storm on the Sea of Galilee?  And worse still, do we think that Jesus is asleep and unaware of what is happening?  Such was the case with Mary Ann after the loss of her brother.  The love of God through Jesus eventually calmed the storm in her life.  She found that God is always a loving Father and transforms us as we continue to put our faith and trust in Him.  Her transformation later brought us this hymn, Master the Tempest is Raging, expressing that Christ calms our troubled hearts as well as the tempest on the sea.
Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.

Master the Tempest is Raging

Master the Tempest is Raging
Release Date
