Maybe marriage is not for me? | A Relationships Workshop with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath followed by an Open Q&A.

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Marriage refers not just to the institution, but rather the softening of the masculine through exposure to the feminine.
A Special Discussion on Jewish Relationships for Singles and Young Adults with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath followed by a Live Question and Answer Session.
Topic: Maybe Marriage is just not for ME?
Rabbi Bernath will discuss, whether or not marriage is important in this age and how you should know whether or not you can actually get married and stay married.
Marriage refers not just to the institution, but rather the softening of the masculine through exposure to the feminine. A culture that does not know how to respect women is bound to collapse.
Are you in a relationship, looking to get into a relationship or wondering why you can’t find that special someone? It’s a fascinating blend of modern psychology and ancient Jewish wisdom. You will learn practical tips to getting into and maintaining your relationship. It’s fun, inspiring and a TAD bit controversial.
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Maybe marriage is not for me? | A Relationships Workshop with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath followed by an Open Q&A.

Maybe marriage is not for me? | A Relationships Workshop with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath followed by an Open Q&A.
Release Date
