Q&A- Wedding Halls, Chumras & The Spies

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This episode is dedicated - in honor of Mendy and Shani. Mazal tov on the new house. It should be a place of joy, tranquility and chesed.    Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at  https://ohr.edu/donate/qa   Questions? Comments? podcasts@ohr.edu   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website https://ohr.edu/study_in_israel​ whatsapp us at https://bit.ly/OSREGISTER or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at https://plnk.to/rbq&a   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz https://forms.gle/VCZSK3wQJJ4fSd3Q7   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/OhrSomayach/videos   00:00 How would the Rambam understand the commandments about death after techiyas hameisim, given his position that no commandment will be annulled?   02:40 What did Levi himself do to earn his tribe's position?   04:55 Can one host a wedding at a Conservative venue?   08:56 Why didn't Aaron get tzaraas if listening to lashon hara is worse than speaking it?   12:31 Is it permitted to donate a car to a Jew if it is known that they will drive it on Shabbat?   16:42 Is there a halachic basis for reading the haftarah from the side of the bimah?   18:32 Is there a halachic minimum wage and what might its rules be?   21:18 Can one take advantage of a discount via deception if there is no explicit lie?   27:22 How does one always have Hashem in front of him?   34:06 When a halacha sefer praises those who are machmir on something, does one get more praise if one takes the chumrah even further?   39:53 Can one read their "echad targum" in their mother tongue?   44:09 Can one clap on Shabbat?   46:35 Why do only Temanim still have a meturgaman?   50:55 Why don't we choose one halachic opinion anymore? Is it a result of the Mishnah Berurah?   58:00 Why learn minyan from the spies, and why is asking for water a nisayon?   1:04:22 Is the kollel-style family roles the ideal?   1:11:12 Does a cohen have an obligation to join a minyan if the minyan has none for bircas kohanim?   1:17:09 Can one make kiddush early for someone else and still not bring in Shabbat for oneself until later?   1:20:14 Can DNA testing be admissible evidence in Beis Din?   1:23:41 If we don't accept human evolution, can we still call ourselves "primates"?   1:28:01 Why would Bnei Yisrael in the desert "prefer" Egypt, so to speak?   1:32:47 If the aron in a shul is not directed toward Har Habayis, can one reposition himself apart from the crowd?   1:35:40 Is there an obligation to remove a tattoo? Is it preferable?   1:39:16 Why is there a difference between a man marrying his aunt and a woman marrying her uncle?   1:40:55 Is Tehillim praising David? What is its significance?   1:44:39 Follow-up on prayers starting with a vav.   1:45:13 Why does the punishment for the spies have an upper limit of 60 years old?   1:48:42 Why do many smart people disbelieve if it's so obvious?   1:53:08 What is the origin of segulos?   1:56:19 How does one know if they're moving too slow or too fast in growing in Torah?   2:00:09 What does Rashi mean by seeing the gematria in the object of the tzitzis?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, ohr.edu and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @ https://ohr.edu  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS  

Q&A- Wedding Halls, Chumras & The Spies

Q&A- Wedding Halls, Chumras & The Spies
Release Date
