Ep. 12: Lightbody and Internal Arts of China and Japan - by Amrita Baba and Amrita Simha

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In this dialogue between Amrita Baba and his student Amrita Simha, the listener is given a down-to-earth presentation of the subtle body of meridians. How this subtle anatomy relates to physical trauma, as well as how it can relate to light body or immortality body. Baba and Simha also discuss practices from various traditions of eastern internal arts, and how these practices are applied in Amrita Mandala practices, and their own experiences with these practices.


00:00 Introduction: Lightbody, Rainbow Body, Immortality, Jesus
01:00 All beings have buddhanature, full enlightenment, Mahasiddha Interviews
03:20 Two different parts of full enlightenment, Baba's upcoming book about lightbody
05:20 Wisdom as basis, Enlightenment of the mind, theory/view is important
09:15 Mind is abstract, pragmatic dharma, Baba's book, 13 Bhumi Model
14:00 How does it feel to attain Wisdom Emptiness? Samsaric echoes and Trauma in meridian system
20:15 Discovery of Meridian Field, Help of Gurus, Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Trauma unaffected by buddhist practice
24:00 Hindu gurus: Babaji, Mataji, Thirumular and Agastya, grandfather of hindu dharma, Hindu Yoga Tantra
27:40 Enlightenment in this life, Difference between designs of hindu and buddhist practices
31:30 First cultivation of Wisdom, then cultivation of Bliss; Spontaneous Bliss - Sahajananda, Gross blisses, Hugging Saint Amma
36:15 Karl Amrita Simha discusses Wisdom Emptiness; Trauma, Experience at Wedding, Accessing trauma
43:00 Two different energy systems, Baba's observations about different types of practice, Zen Buddhism, Dantien/Tanden
46:00 Cultivating the wrong field, Awakening does not come through Embodied Practice, Qi Gong, Chinese Internal Martial Arts
50:00 Standing practice/Zhan Zhuang, Amrita Asana Yoga, Yi Jin Jing, Yi Quan, Yi - Physicalized Concentration
57:10 Physical nonduality, Amrita Asana Yoga explained, Importance of Yi, Second Course of Yi Quan
1:08:00 Working with Unified Body Frame; Standing, Kettlebell, Asana; Nine Pearls of Tai Chi
1:10:45 Guru Yoga and Taoist Immortals, Lao Tzu, Lieh Tzu; Extremely Fine Energy; 13 Bhumi Model
1:15:50 Fourth Dantien, Mikao Usui Reiki, Kriya Yoga, Mahasiddha Bhumis
1:18:50 Teachings change and get altered over time; Which teachings are really "traditional"
1:21:00 Physical, Meridians, Trauma, Acupuncture
1:23:05 Four Dantiens, Four Amrita Chakras; Are not easy to find; Sitting, Standing
1:29:00 Lightbody: How do you get there?
1:32:00 Amrita Mandala method, Rainbow Body Yoga: Mahayoga, Anuyoga, Atiyoga: Bodhicitta
1:35:10 Freedom or Happiness for all beings
1:38:30 How it all connects? More about Taoist Immortals and Zhan Zhuang as Spiritual Practice
1:43:25 Du Xinling; Taoist Master who attained Rainbow Body, Patrick Kelly's discussion, Tai Chi Push Hands; Baba, Terayama Roshi and Zen Arts
1:50:30 Art of Awareness is the Art of Arts, Zen Arts, Zen Calligraphy, Zen Martial Arts
1:53:30 About Dantiens and Meridian purification
1:57:05 Vast Effects of Trauma on the body and mind, Psychotherapy, Psychology
2:04:30 Standing practice defined; Fourth Dantien, Nine Pearls, and Yi
2:07:00 Physical Nonduality and Cessation of the Body; Non-abiding Nirvana
2:10:20 Amma's siddhis
2:13:00 Siddhis related to the physical body
2:15:15 How physical siddhis appear? Source of fuel
2:19:00 Concluding words and Prayers

More Info: https://www.amritamandala.com

Ep. 12: Lightbody and Internal Arts of China and Japan - by Amrita Baba and Amrita Simha

Mahasiddha Interviews: Shane O'Donovan - Full Enlightenment Series Pt. 4
Release Date
