The Sustainability Happiness Challenge

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Adventures in Sustainable Living Podcast
Episode 112
The Sustainability Happiness Challenge
In my opinion underneath all the chaos of our modern life, many people crave a simpler existence. Yet our modern version of the good life is robbing us of our money, free time, personal security and even our underlying happiness. 
I have long believed that a sustainable life leads to more personal security and thus more happiness. But a sustainable life is truly a lifestyle choice. Believe it or not, so is happiness. 
Because our world has changed so rapidly over the past couple of years, I am certain that all of us have experienced  some sort of fear or dread over our future.  That is why I want to start off this year with what I am going to call the Sustainability Happiness Challenge. If you want to learn more about how to be happier and more sustainable stayed tuned for episode 112. 
Welcome back everyone to the Adventures in Sustainable Living podcast. This is your host Patrick and this is E112 which is called the Sustainability Happiness Challenge. 
Now you just might be curious how living a more sustainable life can actually make you more happy. That is exactly what this episode is going to focus on. Living more sustainably is actually a lifestyle choice. So is being happy. In this episode I am going to give you seven actionable tips on how to be happier which will in turn lead to more sustainable behavior. Then in the end, I am going to give you the sustainable happiness challenge. 
One of the reasons I decided to produce this episode is that just recently I found my own happiness being challenged. Now I have a pretty simply life. But I am also just another human so I have my ups and downs just like anyone else.
Another reason I decided to produce this episode is that I am certain we have all experienced some uncertainty and feelings of insecurity about the future because so many things in our world have changed over the past couple of years. These are thing that are completely out of our control, that directly impact our daily lives, and consequently, it make us feel insecure. Feelings of insecurity lead to even more worry and dread which in turn affects our happiness.   
As I stated above, just recently I found my own happiness being challenged. Because of that I decided to reevaluate several things in my life. But what you must understand about me is that for one reason or another, I tend to emotionally go through five year cycles. What that means for me is about every 5 years I start reevaluating what I am doing and why. I start questioning if how I am leading my life is actually worth it. Is it working for me any more? Is it making me happy? Do I need to make some changes. 
While happiness often seems like an abstract concept
it is possible for all of us to find what most makes us happy and then build on that so that we can stay safe, fit, and emotionally healthy. 
Many experts will say happiness is simply an emotional state of mind. But I also think that the pressures and anxiety that we experience due to the uncertainty of the economy, the pandemic, climate change, the environment, even national security and recent threats of nuclear war, distract us from the daily things we need to truly be happy. 
So what I want to do here is provide several tips and tricks to being a happier person and show you just how taking the right steps toward happiness also leads to sustainability. There is a lot of research that validates the fact that there are very specific habits that you should make a part of your life in order to be a happier person. It just so happens that these habits lead to a more sustainable life as well.
So, let’s get right to it. 
It has long been known that regular exercise is a vital part of being healthy. It reduces your chances of being over weight, it reduces risks of cardiovascular disease, and reduces your risk of cancer. However, globally 30% of adults and 80% of adolescents do not get near enough regular exercise. 
But regular exercise isn’t just for your muscles. Exercise reduces stress, relieves the symptoms of anxiety, it boosts your self esteem and increases your level of happiness.  
Even a small amount of exercise can make a difference. If it has been a while since you have had any sort of strenuous activity then start out slow. You don’t have to train for a marathon. Do simple things such as starting your day off with 10 minutes of yoga, take a walk every night after dinner, do a light weight work out with weights for 15 minutes. If you enjoy hiking, start with going for one mile then work up to two, then three. The key here is to make it fun and don’t over exert yourself. 
Now, we all realize that there is a global need to reduce carbon emissions. One of the primary producers of carbon emissions is our transportation. But, it you are physically fit due to regular exercise. you are more likely to walk or ride a bike for all of those shorter trips. After all, the vast majority of the automobile trips we take and actually under one mile. Additionally if you engage in physical activity that uses little or no equipment, then you are reducing your use of resources.
Eating Healthy
After regular exercise, the next best thing you can do to increase your happiness is to eat a healthier diet. The foods we eat are directly connected to how we feel physically and emotionally. A good diet also helps your brain to function more efficiently. 
But there are some other benefits. 
Eating carbohydrates causes a release of serotonin, which is a “feel good” hormone. But it you are going to consume carbohydrates, then be sure to keep foods high in sugar and starch to a minimum. Choose complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, beans, and whole grains. 
Lean meat, poultry, legumes, and dairy are high in protein. Protein rich foods cause a release in dopamine and norepinephrine which increases your energy as well as your ability to concentrate. 
Fatty type fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids which has anti-inflammatory effects. They also increase your mental fitness. 
And as you could have guessed, these types of eating habits are much more sustainable and much easier on the environment. Eating in this way means you will likely eat more home cooked meals. You will reduce your intake of processed foods, supermarket convenience foods, and restaurant food. All of these types of foods produce more waste and increase our utilization of resources. In E110 the Benefits of Slow Food, I talked extensively about the benefits of cooking meals at home. If you have not listened to that episode, then take to time to do so. It is very informative. 
Get a Social Life
The next tip I have for being happier is to get a social life. Now I have to say that sometimes this is one thing that I tend to neglect because the homestead is somewhat isolated. 
But there are several studies to support the fact that social support is an important part of our physical and mental health. Building long term relationships has a positive effect on our lives in many ways. It boosts our self esteem, our response to stress, it keeps us emotionally stable and it also influences our health-related behaviors. Talking things through with a friend is also a really good way to release some tension. 
The first 5 or 6 years I lived on the homestead I truly was the lone ranger. During the winter months I was the only full time resident and I rarely saw anyone. Although this never concerned me, I was truly alone. Then another family moved in and lived in their cabin full time. I made friends with them and have now known them for over 20 years. That relationship resulted in us meeting other people in the mountain community that also became long-term friends. 
Just the other day we returned home from visiting with a group of friends and I made the comment to Annette that we truly have a small group of friends that are awesome people. It is nice to have people like that in our lives because in the event that we really needed help with something, these are people we can count on and because of where we live it is nice to have that support in the event that we need it. 
I have long said that the best time to make a friend is when you don’t need one. The result is that when you actually do need something, people are there and happy to help. Having such social support also gives you a feeling of increased personal security.  
Just the other day I was on my way home from work and I was not in a good mood at all. I had a very stressful day and work on top of dealing with some clients that were just not very nice people. I stopped in a place of business on my way home and everyone in there was also in a horrible mood. That didn’t help. Then I went into the supermarket to get a few things and I was rushing through there as fast as possible because I just wanted to get home and away from humanity. Then I ran into a friend I had not seen in over a year. Jon and I had a fantastic conversation and got caught up on things in our lives. I left the supermarket and went home in the best of moods. It was really good to see him again.  
What we tend to forget about is that one of the three main pillars of sustainability is people. Obviously no one person can suddenly make the world a more sustainable place. But I can tell that having like minded people around you goes a long way toward keeping you on track. What I have discovered is that despite how long I have lived off the grid when I sit and talk with friends about such things we share ideas and learn from one another. My friends often suggest things to me that I never even considered. So, one of the positive benefits to my social life is that I learn more things.  
One other thing that goes along with being social and maintaining healthy relationships is altruism. Numerous studies have shown that people who intentionally engage in an act of kindness are actually happier for almost an entire week afterwards. Just simply taking the time to do something for someone else actually promotes your own happiness. Additionally, there is no better way to cultivate new relationships. 
Because of our cultural values these days it is so easy for us to focus only on ourselves. But if we are truly going to build a sustainable future we have to stop looking inward and start looking outward. In order for us to solve the enormous global problems we have today we have to get rid of this me first, me first, me first attitude. Maybe instead of American first it should be humanity first. 
I truly believe this is the only way we will ever have a cooperative global community in order to solve our massive global problems and move toward a sustainable future. It is quite obvious these days that national problems easily influence the international community. 
What if every country in the world took the time and effort to help one other country. What is every person in the world took the time and effort to help one other person. It is almost unimaginable how far this would go to improve community, national and international relationships. That is the very level of cooperation we need to tackle our global problems. 
So, take some time this week to simply do something for someone else. Not only will it make you happier, it will also promote the kind of community cooperation needed to build a sustainable future.
Say Positive Things
Another easy way to be happier is to say positive things. Studies have shown that as humans we have thousands of thoughts per day. Although many of those thoughts are repetitive, believe it or not 90% of our thoughts are negative. Personally I think it is kind of sad that we spend so much brain power on negative thoughts. 
One thing I have noticed when I work in different hospitals is that the majority of time when the staff are standing around talking, they are always talking about something negative. Sometimes for me this is depressing and frustrating because I hear nothing but negative things from my clients and nothing but negative things from staff all day long everyday. 
So my question is how are we going to solve our general lack of sustainable behavior if all we focus on is the negative. We already know it is going to take tremendous effort to turn things around for ourselves. Focusing only on the negative tends to drain our energy, increase our stress, and make us think that nothing we do as individuals is going to have any sort of positive impact. 
As it turns out, having a positive attitude not only makes us happier, increases our energy level and boosts our self esteem, it also promotes a positive attitude about being more sustainable. 
Go Outside
The next tip I have for you to increase your happiness is to simply go outside. Spending time in nature not only makes you happier, it also has many other positive effects. 
In fact, a recent study involving 20,000 people, conducted by Mathew White of the European Centre for Environment and Humans Health at the University of Exeter, found that people who spend two hours a week in green spaces, such as parks or other natural environments, either all at once or spaced over several visits, were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than this who don’t. 
Now I have to say that there are many studies that point to the beneficial affects of spending time in nature. And just to mention a few: 

1)  You have a greater feeling of happiness. According to one Finnish study, just 15 minutes in nature helped people to feel restored.
2)  You concentrate better: Taking a walk in nature, and a break from the constant over stimulation so often experienced in modern culture, gives your brain a much needed break. So folks, leave you phone behind.
3)  Nature also limits your stress: Many studies show that spending time in nature lowers your stress, blood pressure and heart rate, and helps with depression.
4)  Helps you to heal. One study showed that people exposed to natural light healed faster and experienced less pain.
5)  Weight loss. And of course spending time outside also helps with weight loss
6)  And I could go on and on.

The bottom line is that being outside, taking a walk in the woods, spending time in nature is truly beneficial for your mental health and well being. It also helps you to reconnect with  and learn to love the natural world. It is well known that people will take great steps to protect what they love. And it is that kind of commitment we need in order to develop a sustainable future. 
Unplug Yourself
One other thing you can do to make yourself more happy is something I’ve mentioned several times before. We live in such a highly interconnected world that it is almost impossible for us to truly get any time to ourselves. We are constantly barraged with text messages, notifications, voicemails, emails, phone calls, Instagram, Facebook and advertising. 
This constant stimulation is a major distraction. We can no longer focus on anything. Additionally, most of what we hear is negative. The only thing this does is produce more stress, frustration, anger, depression, and it constantly distracts us from the very things we need to do to keep us happy and healthy. 
I strongly suggest that you completely unplug yourself on a regular basis. After a while you will start to crave the peace and quiet and solitude. It gives you the opportunity to relax, meditate, listen to the sounds of nature, and get back in touch with the very things you need to do to keep yourself happy and healthy. And this is exactly the kind of behavior that promotes sustainability. 
One thing is certain, habits make a difference in our lives. If you have ever tried to break a bad habit you know very well just how deeply engrained our habits are and how they affect of daily behavior. 
Our habits also affect our sustainability. Our disposable, wasteful society could be transformed into a sustainable conserver society by simply changing our habits. 
I truly believe that our modern, fast-paced, highly interconnected society robs us of our peace of mind, our money, our personal security and our happiness. We are convinced that material possessions lead to more happiness and the more things we have the better. But serves only to increase our stress and results in us working more and more in order to maintain our lifestyle. Not to mention that our constant consumption is just simply not sustainable. 
In case you didn’t notice, all of the seven tips I gave you on how to make yourself happier and more sustainable are all things and habits that do not cost you any money. 
Regular exercise promotes better health and reduces your risk of cancer and many other chronic health conditions. If you are in better physical condition you are far more likely to ride a bike or walk to do errands that require travel of less than one mile. This means you reduce your carbon emissions. 
Maintaining a healthy diet is not only environmentally friendly but also reduces your consumption of processed foods that are high in sugar, fat, preservatives, chemicals and pesticides. 
Being social and building long term relationships has a positive effect on our lives in many ways. It boosts our self esteem, our response to stress, it keeps us emotionally stable and it also influences other health-related behaviors. One of the three pillars of sustainability is people. Our positive connectedness with other people is what is needed in order for us to solve our global lack of sustainability. Building relationships and a healthy sense of community is the very foundation of what we need to solve our complex problems. 
Taking the time to do things for other people instead of constantly focusing on your own needs not only promotes a sense of happiness and well being but it also helps to build the kind of community spirit we need in order to promotes a sustainable society. 
Having a positive attitude and saying positive things makes us happier, increases our energy level and boosts our self esteem. It also promotes a positive attitude about being more sustainable.
It has been proven in numerous studies that spending time outside promote good health and emotional well-being. It also helps you to reconnect with the natural world. Remember, people will always protect the things they love. 
And finally I truly cannot say enough about disconnecting yourself from society on a regular basis. I truly believe there would be a whole lot fewer angry, frustrated people in the world if you just disconnected and enjoyed some peace and quiet on a regular basis. 
And in closing, here is the sustainable happiness challenge. The whole focus of this exercise is to encourage you to take happiness off the back burner and make it a daily habit. 
I have given you seven actionable tips: regular exercise, eating healthy, build a positive social life, having a positive attitude, doing things for other people, spending time outside, and disconnecting from society. None of these habits will cost you any money and will actually foster a more sustainable lifestyle. Your challenge is to try each of these habits for one week. Chances are it will make you feel awesome, it will increase your level of happiness and it will make you more sustainable. 
Bad habits are a learned behavior. The same is true for good habits. The same is true for sustainable behavior. It is simply a matter of making the choice to change. 
Now I want to finish off this episode with one of my favorite quotes and I hope this will also help you to learn better habits and be happier. “As a way of life, adopt the attitude of continuous improvement through education. This way you can leverage the one thing you always control-how you use your mind to develop yourself. 
Well folks, that’s all I have for this week. I truly hope you will take the sustainable happiness challenge and make it a part of your life.  Be sure to join me again next week. Until then, this is your host Patrick signing off. Always remember to live sustainably because this is how we build a better future.  

The Sustainability Happiness Challenge

The Sustainability Happiness Challenge
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