Episode 125: Super Bowl LVIII is upon us plus Big Get Guests Harold Bryant of CBS and Fred Gaudelli of Amazon and NBC Sports

Release Date:

On this week's pod, 57 Emmy Awards worth of Super Bowl insight. First SBJ's Austin Karp is joined by Ben Fischer from Las Vegas talk the upcoming Super Bowl. The duo discuss reaction to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's definitive answer on if the Super Bowl's streaming future and other things that have stood out leading up to the Super Bowl. Later in the show CBS Executive Producer and Executive VP, Production, Harold Bryant joins to talk about what we can expect from the entire Paramount family for the Super Bowl and then Fred Gaudelli, Executive Producer of NBC’s “Sunday Night Football and Thursday Night Football on Prime Video joins to give insight on how he is viewing this year's Super Bowl. 

Episode 125: Super Bowl LVIII is upon us plus Big Get Guests Harold Bryant of CBS and Fred Gaudelli of Amazon and NBC Sports

Episode 125: Super Bowl LVIII is upon us plus Big Get Guests Harold Bryant of CBS and Fred Gaudelli of Amazon and NBC Sports
Release Date
