Unraveling Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome with Ethan Russo, MD

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Dr. Ethan Russo is a board-certified neurologist, psychopharmacologist, and Founder/CEO of CReDO Science. He is an internationally recognized authority on cannabis medicine. He has authored/edited seven books and has published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles. He also holds director/advisor positions with several cannabis therapeutics companies, and he was instrumental in developing Sativex® for pain and MS, and Epidiolex® for intractable epilepsy while at GW Pharmaceuticals.

At CannMed 24, Ethan will present “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): Unraveling the Gordian Knot”. CHS is an enigmatic condition where some chronic, heavy users of THC develop a cyclic pattern of vomiting and nausea that is only relieved by hot bathing and topical capsaicin. Ethan and his coinvestigators surveyed more than 500 cannabis users, including 205 diagnosed CHS patients, and investigated genetic mutations in 28 CHS patients and 12 controls to identify behaviors and genetic markers that could indicate CHS risk.

During our conversation, we discuss: 

What is CHS and who does it affect 

Why cases of CHS appear to be on the rise 

Possible genetic markers that could indicate CHS susceptibility    

Steps cannabis users can take to prevent developing CHS 

Why some people in the cannabis community don’t believe CHS is a real thing

and more 

Thanks to This Episode's Sponsor: Cannabis Nurses Network

Established in 2015, the Cannabis Nurses Network™ is a professional nursing and professional development organization for nurses around the globe. By educating nurses on the science behind the plant and providing a global nursing network, nurses are supported and empowered to implement their knowledge within their community.

Learn more at cannabisnursesnetwork.com

Additional Resources




Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Survey and Genomic Investigation

Unraveling the Mystery of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome - CannMed 2019 Panel

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Unraveling Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome with Ethan Russo, MD

Unraveling Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome with Ethan Russo, MD
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