EP. 308- Releasing The Last 10 pounds by Releasing Perfectionism

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This week on the podcast I interview my client Laurence. She joined the program to lose her last 10 pounds (literally). These 10 pounds had been plaguing her for 14 years. By the way, Laurence is a doctor, specializes in nutrition. AND is a certified life coach. ...and yet NONE of those things had helped her lose the last 10 pounds she wanted to lose. In only 6 months inside the last 10 program she finally DID lose HER last 10 pounds. THE ONE THING that enabled her to finally lose her last 10 pounds, will surprise you. It won’t be what you expect. She had to release perfectionism in order to release her last 10 pounds. Laurence is a SUPER SMART, VERY DEDICATED woman. And yet, she didn’t have to work ‘harder’ to lose these 10 pounds.  She had to be willing to release perfectionism. As you listen to our conversation, notice if your brain has resistance to this premise. (And btw- It’s ok if it does)... HERE'S WHY: Our belief systems with perfectionism as women, RUN DEEP. ** If you haven’t listened to episode # 307 titled: Perfection is NOT the solution- Also check that episode out HERE ** Releasing perfectionism was the way in which my brilliant client Laurence, finally, for the first time in her adult life, was able to lose her last 10 pounds. She was finally able to put  an end to sabotaging. ANDDD (in her own words) she was able to EXPERIENCE A FREEDOM SHE HAD NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE. If you struggle with this kind of sabotage, I invite you to open your mind (AND YOUR HEART) wayyyyy up as you listen. This ONE thing can change truly CHANGE EVERYTHING. THIS can be the thing that sets you free AND allows you to lose the weight.

EP. 308- Releasing The Last 10 pounds by Releasing Perfectionism

EP. 308- Releasing The Last 10 pounds by Releasing Perfectionism
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