Sally Fallon Morell – Modern Carnivore Podcast (Ep. 011)

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Sally Fallon Morell - The Weston A. Price Foundation

In Episode 11 of the Modern Carnivore Podcast I'm joined by Sally Fallon Morell. Sally is the founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation and also the author of Nourishing Fats - Why We Need Animal Fats For Health & Happiness.

Sally had several ailments when she was younger but found that she felt better when she had fat in her diet. This led her to researching the work of Dr. Weston A. Price and then authoring several cookbooks. She then went on to form the Weston A. Price Foundation in 1999 with Mary Enig, PhD. The organization "always aims to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways". The work of Dr. Price definitely has it's detractors as it flies in the face of much of the modern dietary guidelines. I think you'll find this conversation with Sally very interesting.


The Modern Carnivore Podcast is talking animal fats and a nutrient-dense diet with Sally Fallon Morell. #fat #cookingwild #realwildfoodShare on X

Links from Today's Podcast
Weston A. Price Foundation Website


Why Listen to The Modern Carnivore Podcast?

With all the podcasts out there why would you want to listen to this one? Well, if you're looking for a new adventure in the outdoors we've got some very interesting guests talking about topics related to honest food and wild adventures. Get ready to be entertained and enlightened on topics related to hunting, fishing, foraging...and more.

Here are a couple other podcasts you may be interested in:

Episode 10: FISH - The Cookbook, with author Jon Wipfli, and Jamie Carlson

Episode 9: Foraging For Wild Food with Jenna Rozelle and Jamie Carlson

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The Modern Carnivore Podcast is talking animal fats and a nutrient-dense diet with Sally Fallon Morell. #fat #cookingwild #realwildfoodShare on X

Editor's Note: If you're curious about starting your own hunting journey shoot an email to

This content is funded in part through a grant provided by the Minnesota DNR. Learn more about DNR efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters on their website. 

Sally Fallon Morell – Modern Carnivore Podcast (Ep. 011)

Sally Fallon Morell – Modern Carnivore Podcast (Ep. 011)
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