Navigating the Human Experience and Recovery with Muna

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Join Lisa as she talks to Out of the Cave group coaching alum,
Muna. Topics include: Muna's journey from childhood to adolescence, exploring her evolving relationship with food, body image, cultural influences, and the change in family dynamics. The conversation continues as Muna describes her experiences with disordered eating, specifically bingeing, purging, and later developing a restrictive relationship with food, intertwined with addictive marijuana use. Muna describes how a mountain biking accident led to a period of grief and loss of identity, triggering binge eating as a coping mechanism. This behavior persisted into early adulthood, alongside struggles with depression and insomnia. Muna talks about finding relief from insomnia through marijuana use, which then evolved into an addictive coping mechanism. Muna describes receiving praise for weight loss, leading to a restrictive relationship with food out of fear of losing attention gained from weight loss. Muna recalls how this cycle persisted for decades, and how even though she was maintaining a successful outward appearance, she was struggling internally with disordered eating and addiction. Muna discusses how she experienced addiction transfer and cross addiction, moving from one addictive behavior to another without addressing the underlying issues. Lisa and Muna continue the discussion with Muna’s relapse during the pandemic and her new road to recovery. Muna discusses the significance of grief work in her personal growth and recovery and how it is an essential aspect of healing. Muna also shares free recovery resources. Lisa and Muna wrap up the conversation with a discussion of the importance of community and how it makes a difference in recovery and how the OOTC group coaching program helped bring that to her.
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Navigating the Human Experience and Recovery with Muna

Navigating the Human Experience and Recovery with Muna
Release Date
