Working From Home Or Living At Work? || Why No One Likes Your Law Firm

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How setting boundaries when working from home can make you happier, plus knowing the difference between building brand recognition and building brand affinity.
Like it or not, the pandemic opened Pandora's box of WFH, but does it feel like you’re working from home or living at work? The lines have certainly blurred. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be on call 24/7 waiting by the phone to meet a client’s every beck and call. Gyi and Conrad are here to help you find the right balance of flexibility, technology, and boundaries to meet your client’s needs and still keep your sanity. You’ll just need to find some other time to listen to podcasts since you fired your commute. *wink*
There are three parts to branding: Know, Like, and Trust. Sure, you can put up a billboard easily enough, but how do you get people to actually LIKE you? That, dear friends, is the difference between brand awareness and brand affinity. The guys tell you why you’ve woefully bungled your Veteran’s Day messaging, spank you on the bottom, and implore you to get out there and do better. 
Maybe the best segment Conrad and Gyi have ever done? You be the judge. 

The News:    

Battle of the industry reports. Does it seem like every legal directory is putting out a “State of the Industry” report? Maybe it’s because they are. 

Lawmatics announces new integration with MyCase.

Is there a hint of a decline in the prevalence of Google local search results? 

References mentioned: 
Lunch Hour Legal Marketing now on YouTube 
Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok 
LawSites, “Small Firm Lawyers Are Awash With Optimism About Their Practices, Thomson Reuters Survey Finds,” 
Martindale-Avvo, “Understanding the Legal Consumer 2022” 
Lawmatics Integrates With MyCase 
A Glitch in the Google Local System? 
Morris Lilienthal YouTube
Levinson & Stefani YouTube
Derrick Law Office on YouTube
Chris Walker, Refine Labs 
Clio Legal Trends Report

Working From Home Or Living At Work? || Why No One Likes Your Law Firm

Working From Home Or Living At Work? || Why No One Likes Your Law Firm
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