Playing With the Social Media Algorithm || Drafting Your Marketing Dream Team: Round 2

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If normal SEO is austere classical music, social media algorithms are drunk jazz on a Saturday Night—you never know what’s coming next. The guys talk through how to play nice with The Algos and then share the next two picks for your marketing dream team. 
Social media algorithms have more changes than a Thelonious Monk composition, which kinda sucks when you’re just trying to get your content promoted by these fickle, two-timing, nutty formulas. Gyi and Conrad give their take on whether you really need to fight the rhythm or just go with the flow while making content that people actually like. Good idea, right? We think so too.
Later, it’s time for the guys’ next picks for your in-house marketing dream team. Conrad goes for the advertising machine—the statistics-loving, data-driven person who helps you make well-informed decisions for your business. Then Gyi goes with the perennially essential intake manager. Intake is everything, and lawyers need to understand why. Tune in for Gyi’s insights on what an intake manager can do for your team.
The News:

Threads, the Twitter killer, raced its way to 100M users. 

Google Business Profiles Drops Call Tracking Features and effectively gave Conrad the willies. Should you be freaked, too?

If your LinkedIn reach massively changed, it’s because LinkedIn had a massive algorithm update. 

Mentioned in this Episode:
LHLM Episode: How Much Time Should You Spend on Your Marketing? || Drafting Your Marketing Dream Team: Round 1
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Playing With the Social Media Algorithm || Drafting Your Marketing Dream Team: Round 2

Playing With the Social Media Algorithm || Drafting Your Marketing Dream Team: Round 2
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