Think Smaller: Supporting Adoptive Families – Christine Gordon

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In James 1:27  we read:"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "But the reality is that adoption usually doesn’t involve “Annie” style storylines. All kids will struggle at points during their development, but children who have been through the foster care system often have nuanced challenges.In light of this, how can the church better come alongside and care for adoptive families? Most of us as moms are already pretty overwhelmed and sometimes the suggestions for how to assist adoptive families sounds even more overwhelming.Adoptive mom Christine Gordon  encourages us to "think smaller." Christine shares encouragement and practical suggestions for little ways we can come alongside one another regardless of our parenting situation. Christine is a wife to Michael and mother of three, co-founder of At His Feet Studies and a visiting instructor at Covenant Theological Seminary.  This is a longer podcast, but absolutely worth your time.

Think Smaller: Supporting Adoptive Families – Christine Gordon

Think Smaller: Supporting Adoptive Families – Christine Gordon
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