#77: Across Florida 200 with Lovelyn Findley

Release Date:

Alright here we are in the new year of 2023! For the New Year's special episode, we've got Lovelyn Findley and the Across Florida 200! She is the first female to complete the Across Florida 200 and get that Belt Buckle! Also on the chat, Lovelyn is joined by her crew... Stephen, Rosa, and Megan! 
Lovelyn is new into the ultra-distance scene with only have done ultras in the past two years! She's done races like the Forgotten Florida 100, the Keys 100, the Skunk Ape Night Run, Sky to Summit, and the Wild Florida 50k!  
Also have to give a shout out to the O-Town Blazers AND the pacers who came out to support Lovelyn in this epic journey; Kalo, Joseph Greenslade, Jordan, Kari, and Luis Espinoza! I was even able to come out and pace and it was freaking awesome to see her knock out those miles hour after after! 
Like Lovelyn said recently; "I am still in disbelief that this happened. Epic adventures are out there! Believe in yourself, surround yourself with people that believes in your dreams. And when possible, be the light for others."

#77: Across Florida 200 with Lovelyn Findley

#77: Across Florida 200 with Lovelyn Findley
Release Date
