#46: Stories from the Badwater 135 Part Two

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Here we are with Part Two! This time we've got Michael Ryan, Amy Costa, and Malu Paredes of the Florida Nine at Badwater this year! Michael Ryan completed 72 miles of the "World's Toughest Footrace," with Amy and Malu taking home that belt buckle with a time of 41:57:48 and 39:18:02. Malu was also the first-ever Venezuelan finisher of the Badwater 135!
Michael Ryan is a man you might know from his tattoos and his love for the heat. He ran the Keys 100 this year placing 26th overall with also in 2021 placing 3rd at the Miami 100. Being a four-time finisher of the Keys 100, he’s no stranger to withstanding the miles on the road, but also the indoor track going 106 miles in 2021 in the 24-Hour event at the 6 Days in the Dome.
Amy Costa has gone well beyond the 100 mile distance with this year being out at the Tahoe 200 (finished in 2021). But she’s also done the Moab 240, Bigfoot 200, Vol State unaided, the Brazil 135, LOST 118, and the Marathon DeSables. This was her 8th appearance. She ran Badwater in 2021 placing 50th overall with a time of 41:08:58. She also ran in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.
Maria (Malu) Paredes placed 3rd at last year's Vero Beach Octopus 100 and has done races like the Long Haul 100, Skydive Ultra 100, Keys 100, and the Grindstone 100.

#46: Stories from the Badwater 135 Part Two

#46: Stories from the Badwater 135 Part Two
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