#34: Stories from the Lake to Ocean 100k

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It was yet another year at the Lake to Ocean 100k for Andy “Croom” Mathews and Andrew Barrett! These two men have run every Lake to Ocean 100k to date. This course covers some of wettest terrain the state of Florida has to offer and takes you through Dupuis, JW Corbett, Hungryland, Riverbend, and Jonathan Dickinson and ends in the ocean Hobe Sound Beach! Jeff Stephens puts one heck of an event out there year after year. Just to add to the fun for this year, we also had a Tropical Storm come through too! 
The race started in not so bad conditions as runner took off from Lake Okeechobee into the 15 some miles across Dupius with a light sprinkle of rain. Dupius this year didn't really have any standing water, but that's until you entered JW Corbitt for another 15 plus miles slogging through the well known standing water of fun. The course stayed wet pretty much the entire way until you made it to the sand dunes in Jonathon Dickinson. From then on, you're just battling the sauna like conditions until you make to the ocean at Hobe Sound! 

#34: Stories from the Lake to Ocean 100k

#34: Stories from the Lake to Ocean 100k
Release Date
