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Get a free nursing lab values cheat sheet at   What is the Lab Name for Platelets (PLT) Lab Values? Platelets   What is the Lab Abbreviation for Platelets? (PLT)   What is Platelets in terms of Nursing Labs? Platelets (PLT) play a role in coagulation, hemostasis, and thrombus formation. Platelets are the smallest blood cell, damaged vessels send out signals that result in platelets traveling to the area and becoming “active”.   What is the Normal Range for Platelets? 100,000 – 450,000 cells/mcL   What are the Indications for Platelets? Determine clotting vs bleeding disorders   What would cause Increased Levels of Platelets? Malignancy Polycythemia Vera Postsplenectomy syndrome Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Iron-deficiency anemia Hemolytic anemia Tuberculosis Birth control   What would cause Decreased Levels of Platelets? Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Inherited thrombocytopenia disorders: Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Bernard-Soulier Syndrome Zieve Syndrome Infection: Hepatitis Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Measles Sepsis Hypersplenism Hemorrhage Leukemia Lymphoma Drug Therapy: Aspirin Ibuprofen Sulfa antibiotics Hydralazine Thiazide diuretics Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Hemolytic anemia’s


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