A Permission Slip For Peace For Overachievers! 3 Ways To Embrace The Season Without Feeling Guilty Or Like A Failure.

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Today is all about PERMISSION FOR PEACE in our body, with food, and to serve as your gentle reminder that you don’t always have to be performing. In today’s episode, I’m unpacking 3 reasons why you need to allow yourself rest and 3 ways to do it! 
If you are here today, I know you are a hard-working, accomplished, motivated woman. How do I know this? Because if you weren’t motivated and hard-working you wouldn’t need permission to rest! Most of us are out there working our tails off in life, and we struggle to allow time for a time out. A rest. A period where we have a “lack of productivity”. Today I want to help you find value in the season of rest and see how this sets you up even better for the year to come. 
Speaking of the year to come… Next Level Nutrition is accepting applications for 2023!!! We will kick off the third week of January. I launched this LIVE coaching mastermind in the fall of 2022 and it was incredible. If you are someone that feels like you have a pretty good grip on empowered eating and are ready for the next step… Next Level Nutrition is what you are looking for! I designed this program because after I healed my relationship with food… I found myself wanting to be healthier but now sure how to do it. I didn’t know what was obsessive or if new goals would trigger old thoughts in my head.  This is why I designed Next Level Nutrition. I believe you can advance your health without going back to obsessive eating. I know you can take your health to the next level without taking steps backward. I am stoked to offer this program again. We have 10 weeks of nutrition education, accountability, and customized nutrition support all of which I am there with you LIVE in real-time.
Applications are now being accepted here.
As for the next two weeks, I want to invite you to lean into your faith. Lean into the notion that your body, regardless of what it looks like, moves like, or ages like… is capable of incredible things. 
Praying this inspires you! 
And if you still aren't sure Food Foundations is for you- check out my FREE Empowered Eating Masterclass. You will get all the deets on the top 3 mistakes I see people make that prevent them from becoming an empowered eater. 
Cheers, and happy eating! 

A Permission Slip For Peace For Overachievers! 3 Ways To Embrace The Season Without Feeling Guilty Or Like A Failure.

A Permission Slip For Peace For Overachievers! 3 Ways To Embrace The Season Without Feeling Guilty Or Like A Failure.
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