Updates With Jessi and How to Honor the Authority of Your Sensitive Body Over Experts

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Do we ever have an episode for you this week! Jessi released her expectations on what she would cover in this episode as she began to channel an abundance of wisdom on a range of topics to share with you all. It begins with her sharing a takeaway from her recent personal experience with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and her initial thoughts on how and when fellow Natural Sensitives can utilize this kind of biohacking therapy. This leads to the discussion of trusting your brilliant sensitive body and allowing yourself to feel into the answers that naturally arise, regardless of the current science or authoritative expert. She reminds us that science is simply theory. In its pure and healthy form, science, especially nutritional science, is continuously changing as new data emerges. It often lacks the big picture or the specificity of your personal body's experience. So… with all this changing information being thrown around, how do you know what is actually best for your body that will stand the test of time? How do you "feel into it"? Jessi teaches us how to rise above the confusing roller coaster of recommendations. At the core, no one is ever meant to be more of an expert than you are on your own body. You must have the final say, always. Jessi shows you where to start, how to navigate your health journey, and when it can be advantageous to bring in an expert. All this to say… episode 34 is a potent one waiting to offer you unique Natural Sensitive-specific insights and refreshing perspectives.
Discussion Topics

Jessi’s recent experience with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and her initial recommendation around it for fellow Natural Sensitives. [00:10:00]
Why your sensitive body cannot bypass physical experiences and why this sets you apart from the rest of humanity. [00:39:30]
What it looks like to empower yourself and release the idea that you need to be told what is best for your body. [00:55:00]
Steps to take to begin to trust your body and listen to what works best for you. [01:10:00]

“Data, facts, and science are all open to interpretation. We are constantly having to rethink, reevaluate, and be open to the possibility that new information can be presented and change our current knowledge of something. That is how we progress.”
“If you aren’t actively choosing to trust your body, you will naturally give your power over to an external authority.”
“Good science will never claim that 'scientific facts' are permanent.”
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Updates With Jessi and How to Honor the Authority of Your Sensitive Body Over Experts

Updates With Jessi and How to Honor the Authority of Your Sensitive Body Over Experts
Release Date
