Top Functional Lab Tests to Run for Natural Sensitives

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Today we are taking a deep dive into the clinical side of Sensitive healing! Jessi’s expertise as a holistic and functional health practitioner is extensive and in this episode we get to hear her top functional lab recommendations for Natural Sensitives! Have you ever considered running functional lab tests? Have you ever wondered which labs are best? You’re in the right place. This episode will guide you towards the most valuable tests, explain the purpose behind each, and give you an idea of the benefits that come from taking action on the results. Whether you’re experiencing digestive discomfort, mood imbalances, autoimmunity, low energy, a slow metabolism, hormonal imbalance or more, gaining the data of a fresh lab test to confirm your body’s state can offer deep personal affirmation and rebuild trust in your body’s intuitive hits and requests. Marrying intuition and data is Jessi’s favorite approach. The goal of testing is simply to provide clarity on what the body is prioritizing and to determine if extra support is needed. Unlike in traditional western medicine, Jessi’s methods are subtle and nuanced, filled with respect for the brilliance of your sensitive body and encourages us to not forget we need to let the body call the shots and remain in charge. Navigating the world of functional lab testing can be overwhelming, so we hope that this episode empowers you and allows you to feel educated and prepared to support your body when working with a practitioner. You will finish this episode full of workable knowledge and may even want to bookmark this one for re-listens in the future!
Discussion Topics

Why we as Natural Sensitives experience a disconnect from our bodies and how functional lab test data can act as a lighthouse to rebuild our connection. [00:02:00]
How different types of functional lab testing can serve to clarify the messages our body gives us and through their guidance bring us back to health. [00:17:00]
The importance of partnering with a practitioner that not only understands your sensitivity but respects and honors it throughout your journey together. [01:05:00]

“The American illusion that there is no gain without pain is BS. We don’t have to suffer in order to have success.”
“It is crucial to know that there is a difference between food sensitivities, food allergies, and food intolerances. The GI MAP helps you understand food intolerances and the MRT is great for food sensitivities, but for allergies you will need to do an IgE panel.”
“Assuming that we know how the body works or what priority the body should be focusing on does not work in our favour. We need to remember that the body is brilliant beyond our comprehension. The reality is we know maybe 5% of what your body does, and maybe we understand 3% of that.”
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Top Functional Lab Tests to Run for Natural Sensitives

Top Functional Lab Tests to Run for Natural Sensitives
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