How I Create an Authentic Sensitive Life for Sustainable Health

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This episode Jessi reveals the personal creation of her unusual lifestyle or as she calls it, Rhythm. She describes how she and we are created to sleep, eat, socialize, move through life in a very specific manner, unique to us. She pulls back the curtain on this layer two of the Authentic Calm Method and openly shares what you’ll be able to use to find your own healthy lifestyle! She is using the end of the year and approach of 2023 as an opportunity to step into the Method herself as if it was all brand new to her. 35 days of rebuilding calm and resiliency through her Method is the perfect way to end 2022 and begin 2023. It’s a fresh approach to new year support! To be clear, she isn’t talking about generic new year’s goal-setting or resolutions. Those are so easily left behind after a few short weeks. No one is into that! Instead, the Method will help you uncover yourself, perhaps for the first time, and build up a sustainable Rhythm that will allow you to be your most calm and resilient sensitive self in 2023. An empowering episode you do not want to miss, grab a cozy cup, press play and join Jessi today!
Discussion Topics

Jessi’s 4 elements of a foundational lifestyle for Sensitives. [00:04:20]
How you can use the Authentic Sensitive Rhythm Reveal guide to create a sustainable healthy body & lifestyle that matches your unique needs. [00:17:10]
How the system of Human Design Rhythm Reveal can take make the final subtle tweaks that will maximize your ideal sensitive lifestyle. [00:31:50]
How Jessi is heading into the New Year from a place of full authenticity, grounding, and resiliency. [00:40:00]

“It’s not about perfection, it’s never about perfection. It’s about knowing what feels best for you and continuing to return to it whenever you can and when you don’t check every box, give yourself grace and thank yourself for all the other things you have done.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
“Never force anyone to join you in healing. You live it out yourself and they'll see the benefit through that. When they're ready, they'll start asking questions.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
“Your unique rhythm is simply a series of elements that allow you to create loose structure in your life to help you know how you are going to manage your day.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
Links Mentioned

The Authentic Calm Method
21 Day Sensitive Nourishment Guide

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the Authentic Calm Method & 1:1 Care with Jessi

How I Create an Authentic Sensitive Life for Sustainable Health

How I Create an Authentic Sensitive Life for Sustainable Health
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