How I Create Calm and Resiliency In My Body Anytime, Anywhere

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This episode unveils Jessi’s creation process as she brought forward her personal enhanced body meditation to life. We begin with her story, how she savored and soaked in numerous healing modalities, only to find they weren’t enough. Her remaining bottled up overwhelm led her to play and experiment in a state of flow that led her to a unique practice all her own. What she found, stuck with her and over the next year changed her life. This discovery is Jessi’s ultimate choice for delivering instant ease and comfort to the body. She now calls it the Reconnection. At the core this unique healing practice returns you home, to your physical 3D body. As Natural Sensitives we often choose to live in our minds or in the spiritual realms to avoid the discomforts we face in our bodies. From a young age, we learn to get through by ignoring our pain and overwhelm, in other words, we reject our body’s messages. The first step to our healing is to reestablish our relationship with our body and the Reconnection creates the space to do just that. More than just a meditative therapy, it layers multiple healing arts into one compact practice and can be done in the comfort of your own home. No external practitioner needed. She concludes with her tips on how to take full advantage of the practice yourself!
Discussion Topics

Jessi’s past experiences that led her to the world of alternative medicine and supporting Natural Sensitives. [00:03:00]
The inspiration behind the creation of the Reconnection practice and how it came to fruition. [00:13:00]
How you can utilize the Reconnection practice to invite peace, health, and grounding into your life.[00:25:00]

“The Reconnection practice is a combination of reiki, breathwork, acupressure, acupuncture, meditation, deep prayer, self-awareness, healing touch, and other various modalities in one simple sequence. It immediately puts me into my state of calm.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
“I have been able to create calm and ultimately resilience in my sensitive body through the beautiful Reconnection.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
“The Reconnection was created to bring health so that you, my sensitive friend, can have the impact you're meant to have and be all that God created you to be for this world because we need you. You're a very important puzzle piece to this great big puzzle of mankind.” – Jessi Michel Agadoni
Links Mentioned
The Reconnection Practice
Read Episode Transcript HERE
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the Authentic Calm Method & 1:1 Care with Jessi

How I Create Calm and Resiliency In My Body Anytime, Anywhere

How I Create Calm and Resiliency In My Body Anytime, Anywhere
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