Rewind: 10 Groundbreaking Inventions From the 80s

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It's easy to look back at 1980s creations as old-fashioned and quaint, but this was a time of remarkable progress. Some of these innovations still seem advanced even by today's standards. Welcome to rewind and an all-new version of one of my favorite 1980s topics: the groundbreaking inventions and innovations. In this episode, I cover some inventions that you may not realize come from the 1980s including astounding new technology, advanced medical breakthroughs, and even changes to the way we consumed entertainment. And they all happened in the 80s... Support the show and get access to bonus audio content like the Everything 80s Movie Review Podcast:  

Rewind: 10 Groundbreaking Inventions From the 80s

Rewind: 10 Groundbreaking Inventions From the 80s
Release Date
