WRP 124 - Calm before the storm

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WRP 124 - Calm before the storm On this week's pod, we've found Burf! The World Cup winner is sunning herself on holiday before the Big Dance starts and managed to take some time out of her busy schedule! Rachael and JH catch up on all the news from the last couple of weeks, while the pod has been entrenched "in camps!" Golden girl Sharni Williams is on, chatting about the Australia win at the World Cup in Cape Town. That was the Triple Crown for the green and gold, after winning the Commonwealth Games and the series title; the Wallaroo legend takes us through the emotions on final whistle. But also just how she and the rest of the squad have kept that incredible drive to succeed going. There is chat about World Cup squads, Black Fern and Fiji victories, news of Super Rugby Aupiki, Farah Palmer Cup, All Ireland league and London Irish. And Burf and JH give a message to all those at Worcester Warriors. Next week............."Pool Pods," all three World Cup pools will be covered, with guests from every nation. #wrugby @podwomensrugby womensrugbypod@gmail.com Coming soon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

WRP 124 - Calm before the storm

WRP 124 - Calm before the storm
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