The Six Tudor Queens – Katherine Parr with Sarah Gristwood

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Katherine Parr is the final Tudor Queen in our series. Was she the nursemaid who looked after and survived her husband, or was she much more than that? In this final episode of our Six Queens Series, Tracy Borman and historian Sarah Gristwood acquaint us with the woman behind the myths, an intelligent, strong and resourceful champion of her own agenda.   This episode also concludes the series with a reflection on the legacy of the Six Tudor Queens.   To view the painting of the Family of Henry VIII, and the Haunted Gallery where it is kept go to:,-0.337082,2a,75y,93.52h,94.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZaJgI28yRfgAAAQsEn4lPA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu 

The Six Tudor Queens – Katherine Parr with Sarah Gristwood

The Six Tudor Queens – Katherine Parr with Sarah Gristwood
Release Date
