The Three Things You Need to Design Your Purpose

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Hi Heroine,Today’s podcast episode is a minisode, where I share the three elements you need to become creative badass like the women who come onto the show. These elements will be helpful to each and every one of you. But I especially want to invite you to read closely if you are a creative female professional who is a leader at her company, what I mean is you’re in a senior or lead creative role, a manager, director, or executive. As you go into your work day after day, you’ve been asking yourself a few questions such as “Is this all there is?” “What’s next? What’s beyond this?” and “Am I making the most out of my potential?” and my favorite, “Could I start my own fill-in-the-blank” whether that’s a conference, a podcast, a book, a business... Even though you’re kicking ass at work, and you have a ton of responsibility, and you’re achieving and hitting milestones, deep down you feel like something is missing, something key, and you can’t put your finger on it. Of course, you have a ton of ideas of your own...brilliant ideas, and thoughts, and opinions, but you find yourself keeping them under wraps, to yourself, hidden...stowed away.Far too many women with incredibly creative ideas and skills aren’t tapping into them and putting them out into the world, whether it’s their art or creative problem-solving. And it’s painful– on a soul level – to be unexpressed.Think about it. What is the cost to you when you hold back your gifts and leave so much of your potential untapped? It’s a steep price.Funny story I’ve been sharing recently, I used to have to wear sunglasses at my 9-to-5! Yes, I wore sunglasses inside because I was far too sensitive and creative to be put in a cage. As a little girl, I was creative and for many years completely suppressed that part of myself because I became a “good girl” and studied what I thought would be the safe path and what my parents wanted me to do. After a lot of soul searching, I was able to start a six-figure business, launch a podcast where I interview award-winning artists and authors, and land a publishing deal with a top publisher and write a book...I would not have been able to do all that if I was still being a good girl. I made bold, professional moves towards my mission that would change my life and impact other people too. But here’s the thing, like the heroine’s journey, this does not happen overnight. It takes steps. And I want to share with you the three things that women need in order to start on this journey towards owning themselves as creative badasses. Ready?The first is you have to clear. What do I mean by clear? You have to clear out all the negative blocks, fears, and excuses that are getting in the way of sharing your gifts. The one that most just drives me crazy is “It’s not the right time to share my gifts.” Newsflash! If you’re waiting to feel ready, you’ll wait until your deathbed. You have to do the inner work to reprogram your mind to success. The second is you have to design. We do not discover our creative purpose, we actively design it. You need to define a creative purpose project that feels scary enough but not paralyzing. It needs to be something that is going to grow and stretch your creative confidence. This project is the physical embodiment of an idea that you have.The third is you have to ignite. You need to put that project out into the world, in front of people, learn to withstand judgment and feedback, not take it personally and move forward. Practice being seen and heard- this works through quick prototyping and sharing with people you trust.By having these three building blocks: the inner work, the design and the igniting through active prototyping and learning, you are going to be so much closer to being a creative badass than ever before. I’m designing a new program that blends the inner work of self-discovery with the outer work of taking action in the direction of our true, creative purpose. It’s the culmination of multiple years of coaching women. For many years, I’ve guided private clients through this journey and am excited to offer it in a new group format.So, I’m looking for six to ten brave women who want to begin designing and living their creative purpose, and who are curious about working through this process with me. If that’s you, you can sign up for a session (if there are any left) by heading to andclicking on “Let’s Chat” in the navigation at the top of the page. *Please read carefully: This program is designed for women who are working full-time as employees at a company and are in a leadership position. It’s not a program for women who are already independent and already entrepreneurs. It’s not a program for women who are job-seeking or in-between jobs. I may offer something for creative entrepreneurs in the future, but that’s not my focus at the moment. So please do not sign up for a session if you are not working at a 9-to-5.Whether that’s you or not, you can still take the first step to becoming a creative badass right now, by taking a free quiz on the homepage of my website,, that is going to help you identify your unique, feminine, creative power and give you one practical action step to channel this power in a way that elevates your leadership. Not only are you going to learn about your creative strength, but based on that new insight, I’m going to give you a recommendation to take action right now. The action step will depend on your unique result, so this quiz will personalize a recommendation specifically for you. Listen, I know you’re tired of not feeling like you’re making the most out of your potential. And I know you don’t want to end up on your deathbed looking back, regretting your career choices. We spend 8 (or more) hours of our day working, and that work should feel meaningfully creative and abundant, and if it isn’t, you’re wasting precious time and precious life force. It should matter to you to feel ALIVE. It matters to the world that you feel ALIVE. The world needs women’s perspectives, voices, and above all, creativity. If you don’t become creatively alive and share your gifts, we’re going to hear from the same people again and again...we’re NOT going to see progress, we’re going to see an imbalance of power, and contributions skewed towards those who talk the loudest and uphold an illusion of separation – separation with ourselves, the planet, and each other. We don’t need or want more of that. We’re in a special time in the world, and we need more women like you activated. Not tomorrow. But today. So head over to my website,, and click Let’s Chat in the navigation bar, and/or take the quiz on the homepage to discover your creative, feminine, power.

The Three Things You Need to Design Your Purpose

The Three Things You Need to Design Your Purpose
Release Date
