Episode 197 – The Great Resignation

Release Date:

-Across the world, people are leaving - or thinking of leaving - their jobs and careers in stunning numbers.

-Is the solution in Agile?

-Perhaps because of the pandemic, people are waking up and lighting up to a different future. 

-It may be the case that they're realizing that what they had been told was an unthinkable model of work is actually quite doable, with little or no downward impact on productivity.

-People have enjoyed less commute time, more family time, more choice in how and where they work.

-So how do we plug the drain?

-compensation is not the only consideration.

-flex hours and remote work play a heavy factor. People want to work where they want when they want. For too long, companies have rewarded butts-in-seats, long hours, and always-on engagement. Now that they're finding they have options, they want to tip the scale back in their favour; and once the veil has been lifted, it's hard to close it again

-Increasingly important is supporting side projects and future hustle - If pensions and benefits are slowly eroding over time, people want to feel like they have an option to design income streams and passion projects for the uncertain future.  

How Can Agile Help?

-Whatever we do, we must invest but invest with intention. If we throw money, promotions, and flex time at a select few fence-jumpers, we have to be prepared to do so for all.  And that investment cannot be blind - we have to be clear about what we expect it to DO.

-Ultimately, we want happier people. An engaged workforce simply delivers better results for the end customer.

-We cannot afford to wait months or years for a definitive response. we need to communicate early and start LISTENING to needs - and implementing experiments and proposals so we can stem the exit

-Leaders must admit that change is here, it is time for an adjustment and that people are your finest asset

-We cannot see this as a stop-gap measure. We must insist on cultural change, on sustaining environments for people that not only attract the best talent but create enviable cultures that place the wellness and happiness of people at least as high as that of the customer


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Episode 197 – The Great Resignation

Episode 197 – The Great Resignation
Release Date
