Episode 1 - Knowing Me, Knowing You

Release Date:

This podcast is sponsored by my online crafting company, Provenance Craft Co. and Lynne Rowe Knitting and Crochet

Thanks to everyone who tunes into the podcast whether it is through Stitcher, Podbean, Spotify, iTunes or the YouTube Channel. Your support and engagement are really appreciated and makes running a podcast very special and worthwhile.   
If you would like to support the podcast, you can do that through Patreon:

Here are the show notes for our first ever The Crochet Circle podcast. In this episode, we introduce ourselves, our WIPs and our up-coming interview with Erika Knight. We round up this month’s crochet magazines and talk about Yarn Shop Day. It’s quite a long one – but hope you found it well worth a listen.
1. Meeting Fay and Lynne and putting faces to our names 

2. Fay’s garoffice and home of The Crochet Circle Podcast
3. Lynne Rowe links
Lynne blogs about her knitting and crochet adventures here:
and Lynne also has a business website here:
4. Fay Dashper-Hughes links
www.madashper.com for all things craft, blog and food
www.knitit-hookit-craftit.co.uk Fay's new start up company
5. First Competition Once Upon a Time in Crochet
This competition is being hosted on our Ravelry Group and is open until midnight on the 30th April. For full details on how to enter, click the link below.
6. Local Knit Groups
Find a crochet or knitting group local to you: 
7. The Crochet Circle WIP Wall (at 18.50 minutes)
Here's a photo of the WIP Wall and current status.
Lynne - 20 WIPs
Fay - 8 WIPs

8. Our WIPs
Lynne's Blanket in Debbie Bliss Donegal Luxury Tweed Aran:
Link to the yarn
Fay' Blanket:
9. Lynne’s Use it or Lose it Campaign

10. Erika Knight Studio Linen (at 38.30 minutes)
11. Pattern for Samples
Crochet sample square pattern coming shortly
Knitted sample square
12. Magazine Round-up (at 45.00 minutes)
Inside Crochet:
Pom Pom Shawl (Designer Vicki Brown)
Contemporary Cushion  (Designer Susie Johns)
Inside Crochet Digital Download issue 75
Intarsia Crochet:
Fay's first attempt at crochet intarsia
To help with intarsia crochet worked in rows, here are a few helpful tips:
If using a chart and working in rows, always work from the bottom right corner. Read first (and odd-numbered rows) from right to left. This is the right side of your work. Read second (and even-numbered rows) from left to right. This is the wrong side of your work.
Use short lengths of yarn at a time, rather than yarn from the ball, because if you have 4 or 5 different colours on the go at the same time, these will very easily become tangled up. Use approximately 2-3m lengths for smaller areas or 4-5m for larger areas. The great thing with crochet is that you can join a new length of yarn easily at any time. The shorter lengths are easier to work with and can be wound onto a yarn bobbin if preferred.
When the chart changes colour, you will change yarn. However, you will always change colour during the last yrh of preceding stitch. In other words, if the chart shows 8 sts in Colour 1 followed by 10 sts in Colour 2 and then 8 sts in Colour 1, this mean that you will change to Colour 2 during the 8th st of Colour 1, then change to Colour 1 during the 10th stitch of Colour 2.
Make sure you keep your yarn ALWAYS on the wrong side of your work. This is fine when working with the right side facing as your yarn is naturally at the back of your work and therefore against the wrong side. However, when you turn to work the next row, the wrong side is facing you, so you need to keep the yarns against the wrong side (which is the side facing you) when changing colour. 
Simply Crochet:

Caravan (Designer Kate Bruning)
Lamb boot toppers (Designer HannahCross) 
No info available at present
Simply Crochet Digital Editions:
Let’s Get Crafting:
Slip stitch chicken  (Designer Fiona Goble)
Subscribe to Let's Get Crafting
Woman’s Weekly:
Flower Blanket (Designer Leonie Morgan)
An extract from The Woman's Weekly Guide to Crochet by Tracey Todhunter
Tracey talks about the beautiful blanket here on her blog
Erika’s stripey Cushion:
Extract from Erika's latest knitting book, Simple Colour Knitting
Subscribe to Woman's Weekly Knitting & Crochet:
Crochet Now (at 58 minutes):
Take a look inside a preview of issue 1 here:
13. Yay Crochet or Nay Crochet (at 63 minutes)
Fay’s Nay Crochet eggs
and what they should look like

14. Yarn Shop Day (at 67 minutes)
For more details on what’s happening near you on Yarn Shop Day:
15. What's Good
Lynne’s new bed is UK manufactured and contains wool! 
Thanks for listening to our very first podcast and don't forget to tune in on the first Friday of each month for a new episode.
Happy Crafting.
Lynne and Fay x
Instagram: Crochet_Circle_Podcast 
Instagram: provenance.craft.co  
Instagram: FayDHDesigns
YouTube: The Crochet Circle Podcast
Crochet Clan on Mighty Network: Invite

Episode 1 - Knowing Me, Knowing You

Episode 1 - Knowing Me, Knowing You
Release Date
