250 – How to Work with Law Enforcement, with Dr. Stephany Powell

Release Date:

Dr. Sandie Morgan and Dr. Stephany Powell discuss the role law enforcement plays in the fight against human trafficking. They consider the relationship between law enforcement and nonprofits and how to best support and serve victims. Dr. Powell and Dr. Morgan discuss the future of the anti-human trafficking movement and how it can evolve to better combat exploitation.

Dr. Stephany Powell

Dr. Stephany Powell retired from the Los Angeles Police Department as a Sergeant in charge of a Vice unit. Dr. Stephany Powell's unique insight into the world of sexual exploitation and trafficking gained through her thirty years with the Los Angeles Police Department has made Dr. Powell an unparalleled choice to lead Journey Out in 2013 (formerly known as the Mary Magdalene Project). Journey Out assists victims of human trafficking in finding their way out of violence and abuse, due to sexual exploitation or forced prostitution. In 2020, she joined the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) as the Director of Law Enforcement Training and Survivor Services. She is also the law enforcement human trafficking training consultant for Selah Way Foundation.
Key Points

Dr. Stephany Powell trains law enforcement officers on the ins and outs of human trafficking. She shares stories of times she missed signs of human trafficking and wishes she had known better. Now, she educates officers, so they can detect signs and help victims.

When law enforcement works with non-profits, victims can receive the well-rounded support that they need, which builds trust between survivors and non-profits.

According to a study done by ASU, out of all first responders, firefighters are the most likely to be the first point of contact of someone who is in captivity.

In order to combat demand for human trafficking, we must enforce consequences on those that are creating the demand and treating human begins as a commodity.


Journey Out

Selah Way Foundation

Stephany Powell Linked In

My Choice, My Body, .......My Rules: A Workbook in Prevention

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)

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Dave [00:00:00] You're listening to the Ending Human Trafficking podcast, this is episode number 250, How to Work With Law Enforcement, with Dr. Stephany Powell.


Production Credits [00:00:10] Produced by Innervate Learning, Maximizing Human Potential.


Dave [00:00:30] Welcome to the Ending Human Trafficking podcast. My name is Dave Stachowiak


Sandie [00:00:36] and my name is Sandie Morgan,


Dave [00:00:39] and this is the show where we empower you to study the issues, be a voice, and make a difference in ending human trafficking. Sandie today's conversation I'm really looking forward to because we have with us an expert who's going to really help us to discover the practical ways to work with law enforcement as we talk about, often on the show, the importance of partnerships across organizations, across agencies and, of course, law enforcement. Such a critical partner in all the work we are doing to end human trafficking. I'm so pleased to welcome to our show today. Dr. Stephany Powell. Stephany retired from the Los Angeles Police Department as a sergeant in charge of a Vice unit. Her unique insight into the world of sexual exploitation and trafficking, gained through her 30 years with the Los Angeles Police Department, made her an unparalleled choice to lead Journey Out in 2013, formerly known as the Mary Magdalene Project.

250 – How to Work with Law Enforcement, with Dr. Stephany Powell

250 – How to Work with Law Enforcement, with Dr. Stephany Powell
Release Date
