Exploring Energetic Healing, Neurofeedback & Body Talk w/ Juli Nilson

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Sometimes the smartest cookies and brightest experts are right under your nose. This week, I had to look no farther than my hometown to find neurofeedback specialist and energetic healing advoate, Juli Nilson. Through a mutual connection, I was exposed to Juli's unique skillset and results via neurofeedback, which is something I was not very familiar with. But, given my rapidly-growing interest in all things energy healing, I knew I had to sit down and pick her brain about the world of neurofeedback and other energetic healing techniques.
Juli has over twenty years of experience working in behavioral health and a background in both social work and youth engagement. She is a Certified Neurofeedback Specialist. In 2018, she received advanced neurofeedback training in the Othmer Method at the EEG Institute in California. Her training includes Synchrony, Alpha Theta, Trauma and Infra-low Frequency. Juli is experienced and adept at working with children, teens and adults with an emphasis on trauma.​During our conversation, we take a deep dive into neurofeedback: how it works, what a treatment loos like, what it feels like, what conditions it's used for, how often it should be done and who should consider getting it done, amongst other talking points. Juli also discusses body talk, myofascial release, stress patterns Juli noticed throughout the virus pandemic, environmental toxins' impact, the truth about many ADD/ADHD diagnoses and much, much more!​
Not only does Juli bring to light some unique and effective energetic treatment techniques, but she is also very easy to listen to and learn from. You will surely walk away from this episode with a greater appreciation for the brain and body's ability to heal itself when it's provided the right tools and energy.  Enjoy and, as always, light up your health!
Key points:
Body talk: (2:33)
Things she looks for in the body: (5:20)
Helping the body's energetic pathways: (6:44)
Her experience with body talk: (7:13)
How often you want to do body talk: (11:05)
Targeting certain areas of the body: (11:45)
add 1:41
Environmental toxins are everywhere: (14:47)
Neurofeedback: (15:40)
Creating a new behavioral pattern in the brain: (17:50)
Creating positive neural connections: (19:44)
What you feel when you're being treated: (22:43)
Neurofeedback: (24:40)
Your ADD/ ADHD may be something else: (25:30)
How many treatments before you see results: (26:14)
Newer brains are more pliable: (27:02)
Changes pre-COVID to now: (28:07)
The need to balance both sides of the brain: (29:08)
We are inappropriately responding to stress: (32:06)
Tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system: (33:07)
Neurofeedback's positive impact on quality of life: (34:24)
Relief from pain: (35:26)
Targeting specific parts of the brain: (35:47)
"Listening" to brain frequencies: (38:42)
Synergies with neurofeedback and clearing trauma: (39:18)
The Othmer Method and why it's so unique: (43:28)
Wellness practices she is excited about: (46:20)
Myofascial release: (48:23)
The importance of community and collaboration in health: (49:07)
The body does know what to do: (52:21)


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Exploring Energetic Healing, Neurofeedback & Body Talk w/ Juli Nilson

Exploring Energetic Healing, Neurofeedback & Body Talk w/ Juli Nilson
Release Date
