Trust in Calm Restorative Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 609

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Restorative Yoga

We are going through a profound time of spiritual awakening. Even for those of us who have been on the spiritual path for many years, decades even, are being asked to awaken to new and deeper levels of trust, love and peace. Our souls are encouraging us to let go of old habitual ways of being where we hustled for our worth, listened to our inner critic, pushed to do more and be more, and were caught up in people-pleasing. To a certain extent we put our trust in our reactivity and our inner critic, This is a transitional time. It is one where the old ways have not fully let go even though we can see clearly to embrace trusting peace and calm.
The intention in this class is to trust being peaceful, calm, warm, non-reactive, loving and kind towards ourselves more than we trust our reactivity, distress, stress, suffering, anxiety and depression. Can we trust the place of CALM within us and TRUST that that place of peacefulness is a WISE place to be. There is safety inside of us. As we gradually surrender more and more to this place of peace and safety within us, we no longer need to invest in the habitual ways of rushing, anxiety, pushing ourselves, inner criticism, and being in conflict with our reality.

Props Needed: Bolster, Blocks, Meditation Cushion, Eye Pillow, Yoga Strap, Blanket

Trust in Calm Restorative Yoga Sequence

Gentle Legs up the Wall
Front Lying Twist
Supported Wide Legged Standing Forward Fold
Reclined Twist
Supported Bridge
Gentle Legs Up the Wall

De Colores by Angie Trudell Vasquez
At This Age by Mary Wehner
To Friends by Michael Koehler
Over the Weather - Naomi Shihab Nye

Trust in Calm Restorative Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 609

Trust in Calm Restorative Yoga | Yoga with Melissa 609
Release Date
