Soothing Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga | YWM 685

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🧘 Dive into the healing practice of vagus nerve restorative yoga 🌿

Find peace amidst the chaos of overstimulation by embracing slow, still movements that ground you in your body. 🌟 In a world constantly pushing for hustle and achievement, restorative yoga offers a sanctuary to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and embrace rest and digest mode. 💆‍♀️

Moving slowly is an intentional practice, especially in a culture that values speed and constant advancement. 🐢 In restorative yoga, we quiet our minds by being still in our bodies, nurturing our well-being with compassion and gentleness. 🌸Yoga is powerful medicine, but it works slowly. When we regulate our nervous systems, life becomes more spacious, allowing us to connect deeply with our hearts and express our truth authentically. 💖

As we slow down and care for ourselves, we model this possibility for others, creating environments of safety and resonance for collective healing. 🌿 By taking time for these gentle poses, you're not just nurturing yourself but also shifting the frequency of your community towards co-regulation. 🌱 By embracing softness and kindness, we inspire others to live from their hearts as well, fostering a frequency of trust and co-regulation. 🕊️🙏
Vagus Nerve Reset - Basic Exercise 
Restorative Twist 
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Restorative Side Bend 
Restorative Locust - with blanket on diaphragm 
Restorative Child’s 
Poem: On a Day When Stillness Seems Possible  by Rosemerry Whatola Trommer

Soothing Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga | YWM 685

Soothing Vagus Nerve Restorative Yoga | YWM 685
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