15 min Qigong Yoga Flow for Winter | Yoga with Melissa 602

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15 min Qigong Yoga Flow for Winter

This is a short qigong inspired yoga flow to bring energy to the kidney organs and water element this winter season. We will learn some fun “bear” inspired qigong movements and create a yoga fusion class that will build your energy reserves this winter.

Is Qigong the same as Tai Chi?

Qigong is a skillful way to cultivate and work with your energy. Tai Chi on the other hand is a martial art.

What is Qigong good for?

Qigong will lubricate your joints, improve your circulation, help you to improve your focus and your intentioned awareness, encourage optimal diaphragmatic breathing, lower your stress hormone cortisol, stimulates digestion, calms anxiety.

Does Qigong really work?

Qigong uses your own body weight in a series of standing postures that flow from one to the other. These flowing movements stimulate the acupuncture meridian lines and their organ systems to create healing in your body by moving blood and oxygen through your body.

Because of the way you focus your mind and intention on your physical movements, your mind will calm which relieves emotional stress and mental anxiety. The flowing poses create a moving meditation that helps to lower stress and improve your mood.

Which is better yoga or qigong?

Yoga and qigong are complementary practices, both of which are focused on cultivating and working with our internal life force energy or qi. Yoga focuses on building strength and flexibility with their postures. Whereas yoga corresponds to the Ayurvedic school of medicine, qigong refers to the Traditional Chinese school of medicine. Generally yoga puts more emphasis on static stretches and qigong focuses more on flowing movements.

Can you do qigong at night?

You can do qigong at night. Focus your attention on calming your energy to prepare for a deep night’s sleep and to cultivate your energy for the following day.

Can I do Qigong everyday?

Yes you can do qigong everyday.

What time of day is best to do qigong?

There are two times of day that could be good for your qigong practice.

7-9 am is the time of Earth Element and your Stomach Meridian
Good time to exercise, have breakfast, good time to receive nourishment (on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually) This is a good time of day for a moderate and nourishing qigong practice.

11 am - 1 pm is the time of Fire Element and your heart meridian
This is your most expansive energy of the day. It is a good time to be active, connect with others and a good time for exercise again. This would be a good time for a more vigorous qigong practice.

How long should you do qigong?

You can practice qigong anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. As long as you are cultivating qi and not draining yourself of qi.

How long should you practice qigong daily?

You can practice qigong anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. As long as you are cultivating qi and not draining yourself of qi.

What is the best Qigong exercise?

I think the best qigong exercise is whatever your present favourite is.

Does Qigong help balance?

There are many qigong exercises that come onto one foot and support you in cultivating balance. Poses like crane, Soaring Dragonfly, Buddha Praying, bouncing ball, walking on clouds are all balancing poses.

Does Qigong build muscle? Can Qigong make you stronger?

Qigong helps you build muscle and grow stronger, especially in your legs when you move low and slow. Poses like retrieving the moon from the sea, pushing mountains, swimming dragon, embracing moon, bear pushing a wall, yin opens yang closes, twist to look at the moon, all build strength in the legs.

15 min Qigong Yoga Flow for Winter | Yoga with Melissa 602

15 min Qigong Yoga Flow for Winter | Yoga with Melissa 602
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