The Sex Spreadsheet

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This week, Jess & Brandon are sharing tips and tools from some of the happy couples they've met over the past month. Tune in to find out about sex spreadsheets & boobs-around-the-world.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health, or other professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.

The Sex Spreadsheet

Participant #1:
You're listening to the Sex withDoctor Jess podcast, sex and relationship advice you can use tonight. Welcome to the sex with Dr. Jess Podcast. I'm your cohost Brandon Weir, here with my love of the other half, Dr. Jess. Who's got the giggles? I don't know why. Halloween's coming up, and I can only think of the French song say Halloween. Hey, say lauene. Who knows next line? No one does. Ever. I think about one in five of you are Canadians. Maybe you didn't go to French Immersion, but we all sang that song. Yeah, but I'm serious. I do not know any other lines from that song. No, there were no other lines. No one listening knows what we're talking about. They might. They might have watched a French Canadian show called WADA Tao. Oh, my gosh. Seriously, man, we are going down rabbit hole. Okay, we need to get back on track because we just started here. So I've been doing a bunch couples retreats. Been back to work, feeling good, pretty excited, feeling super motivated. I'm always surprised at how much I want to do when I'm doing more. Like, the less I do, the less I want to do. And the more I do, the more I'm like, yeah, I can do it all. So I've been flying around, working with some amazing groups.

My back is hurting, though, because I think I've been flying for 16 hours over the last weekend with no WiFi, by the way. That's an experience to fly with no WiFi. Well, for somebody like you who enjoys being engaged and being able to send out messages, yeah, I like to work. I can't watch a movie on a plane or watch a television show. It doesn't work for me. I can do that. Yeah, I know. I hear you laughing from behind me. I'm that guy on the plane. I like that, though. That always kind of boosts my spirits when someone's having a really good time with a movie next to me. But I'm not a movie person, so I was just working and not sending out emails. You know, when you write, like, you respond to, like, 50 emails and they all go out at once, people wonder why you're emailing them at midnight when you land anyhow back now. And every time I finish a retreat, I have notes on not only what I can do differently, but also what I took away from the participants. And so one of the things that I took away this time around was really, really cool and tangible. I can touch it because it's a handout. And at the end of the session, one of the participants came up to me and said that he has a list that he used with his partner about, I think, a year or so after they met. And it's sort of like a yes, no, maybe list. And it's interesting because he hadn't heard of those. And most of you have probably heard like yes, no Maybe lists for King, for BDSM, where there's a whole bunch of things you can do and then you kind of fill out yes, no, Maybe, and you can find a bunch online. But he made this totally from scratch for their personal use and he told me that I could share it,

The Sex Spreadsheet

The Sex Spreadsheet
Release Date
