Secrets of A Happy Couple (After 35+ Years!)

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Mike and Denise are one of the happiest couples ever. They've been together since they were teenagers, raised two kids, run a family business, and they're still loving, happy and playful. Have a listen to their story and "secrets" in this casual, candid conversation with Jess and Brandon (Mike is Jess' cousin BTW). There are no magic pills for happy marriages, but every story counts. Warning: gushing contained herein.







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Rough Transcript:

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Secrets of A Happy Couple (After 35+ Years!)

You're listening to the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast, sex and relationship advice you can use tonight.

Welcome to the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast. I'm your cohost Brandon Ware here with my lovely other half, Dr. Jess. Hey, hey, I'm excited for this conversation and we are going to dive right in because today we are chatting with and getting insights from one of the most happy couples I have ever met. So we are here with my favorite. I'm not going to say cousins because I'll get in trouble. Also, they're not both my cousins. Only Michael is my cousin. My favorite couple.

I think when you say somebody's your favorite, but then you don't finish it, I think you've just now said they're your favorite. I know. We have a problem in our family, right, Mike, about favorites? Well, you're just stating the obvious. There's a whole bunch of us. So Mike is my eldest cousin, right? Thank you for that. A favorite cousin. Favorite cousin. There's a lot of us. Denise is his wife, and we spend a ton of time with you. We prioritize spending time with you, even though we spend...

even though we live far, far away from one another, because we love being around you. And Denise has been on the podcast before, so you may remember her from a Christmas episode with her daughter, Annabella, who wrote her dating profile. And if you haven't listened to the dating profile episodes, please, please, please go back and listen to the dating profile episodes. One of them is called, The Greatest Gift Ever and it's free, but definitely check those out. So you might remember Denise from there, but I'll give you a little bit of background on them. They haven't given me their bios.

but they run a family company with many, many employees and extra special stresses because it's in Jamaica. But they're just the happiest couple. They have two grown kids who are also my favorites. And I wanted to chat with them because they're happy. And I think we all just wanna be happy like they are. Mike, you're happy. I'm always happy. You bring joy. So why don't we just start with how you met? Tell us the story of how you met 30.

Six years ago, 30, a lot of years ago. A lifetime ago. I think 1989, right? 85. No, 85. How old was I in 85? Mike was a year younger than me, but we met freshman year at RISD. So we were at school and we met a couple of times, I think, at the dormitory, just around campus. And I remember just shaking my head and thinking, no, this guy's crazy. That's most the charm.

But you also weren't happy at RISD. And I think that's what I was picking up is that you were not happy there. I think it was just coming from South Florida from high school and coming to a Northeast school. I was again, in a whole different world. Right, which was my happy place, but not your happy place. Again,

Secrets of A Happy Couple (After 35+ Years!)

Secrets of A Happy Couple (After 35+ Years!)
Release Date
