How to meet at a sex club

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This week, we share advice for shy couples at a sex club -- how to meet new people, language to open conversations, and how to prep for awkward conversations.

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Rough Transcript:

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How to meet at a sex club

Participant #1:
You're listening to the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast, sex and relationship advice you can use tonight. Welcome to the sex with Dr. Jess Podcast. I'm your cohost, Brandon Weir, here with my lovely other half, Dr. Jess. Hey, how are you? I'm good. I'm interested in this topic today because it's about shyness. That is something that I don't think you are I'm not familiar with. Although I was shy when I was younger, and in certain environments, I'm not really shy, but I'm intimidated. Do you mean right now? What do you mean? When you were younger? No, now, like, you know that there are certain groups that I find where I don't feel like I fit in, where I feel like I'm an outsider. I'm not shy, but I'm uncomfortable, so maybe I actually overcompensate for my discomfort by being extraverted. You're definitely not shy. No, I'm not shy. I don't know if I find myself being the same as you being uncomfortable, like, not saying anything in certain environments, but I have found myself saying less in certain environments these days. But I think you're more comfortable with yourself. I think you were raised to make conversation with people in a culturally appropriate way, where I was raised to just, like, chat nonsense to everyone or stay hidden in a corner. I'm good at talking small talk. Yeah, you are good at small talk. I think I am. I will make a quick comment that post pandemic or I know we're not the pandemic is not over. Let me be clear. However, I do find myself at a loss sometimes. The first few social vest, you may tell, is like, I breathe. You breathe, too. Let's be friends. We have so much in common. Hair. Hair. It's getting better. So, yeah, I actually have found myself in the same boat where conversation used to flow more freely. And since the onset of the pandemic, I feel maybe I have a little less to talk about or things feel very heavy, so I don't want to make the same type of small talk. But then people are also tired of talking about COVID, and then there are more awkward silences. Yeah, there's a lot happening here. But before we jump into this very interesting conversation, let's give a show to the sponsor, Adam and Promo code. Doctor Jess, what did you say the last time? Rub your knob, tickle your pickle. All sorts of great things. And what are they also offering in addition to the 50% off discount code? So it's 50% off almost any single item, free shipping and a few free goodies with code Doctor Jess at Adam and Amazing.

All right, let's get to your question. So this lovely person wrote in and says, my partner and I recently ventured out and attended Oasis for the first time. So for folks who don't know, oasis is a wicked sex club downtown Toronto, just around the corner from my place, actually.

How to meet at a sex club

How to meet at a sex club
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