Episode 58: Mastering the Art of the Unhappy Client

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If you haven’t already had a client become unhappy with you for some reason, it’s likely you will in the future. We can’t keep everyone happy all of the time. What we can do though is have a strategy for how to get them back to happy! Today Dorie is sharing five key things she recommends when planning how you will handle dissatisfied clients. If you want even more great tips and you haven’t already, pop back to episode #49 to hear Dorie and guest Heather Lahtinen talk about a specific session where the client didn’t like the headshots Dorie took of them! Want to get the latest marketing information that you can use in your business today?  Sign up for Dorie’s Free Weekly Cull Newsletter. Get your 75% discount on your first sample album from nPhoto AND just added - - when you sign up, receive a complimentary Mini-album.  Be sure and follow these accounts on Instagram: nPhotolab Dorie Howell The Focal Points Podcast

Episode 58: Mastering the Art of the Unhappy Client

Episode 58: Mastering the Art of the Unhappy Client
Release Date
