The 5 Keys to Building a Great Brand – RICK CESARI | DMR #220

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Today I'm joined by a man who helped take GoPro from a start-up, to over a billion dollars in sales in just a few short years. He is the author of ‘Buy Now’, and his next book is due out soon. Welcome to DMR, Rick Cesari. [You can find Rick over at]

On this episode of Digital Marketing Radio we discuss The 5 Keys to Building a Great Brand, with topics including:

Is building a great brand an integral part to building a great business?
Can you not just build a business by offering a great service without worrying too much about your brand?
How would you define what a brand is?
Can you give me some examples of brands you consider to be great - and why you consider them to be great?
I mentioned at the top of the show that we were going to be talking about the 5 Keys to Building a Great Brand - so what are they?
Which key to building a great brand is most important?
What is the biggest mistakes that businesses tend to make when trying to build a brand?

[Tweet ""If you're #marketing a product, spend a lot of time thinking about your #USP" @CesariIgnite"]
Software I couldn't live without
What software do you currently use in your business that if someone took away from you, it would significantly impact your marketing success?
Infusionsoft [Lead & customer management software]
What software don't you use, but you've heard good things about, and you've intended to try at some point in the near future?
Skubana [Inventory management for e-commerce]
My number 1 takeaway
What's the single most important step from our discussion that our listeners need to take away and implement in their businesses?
If you're marketing a product, spend a lot of time thinking about your unique selling proposition - what makes you unique in the marketplace. Because if you're able to do that, the rest of your marketing will be easier and you'll stand out from your competitors and help drive more traffic and more sales to whatever you're doing.

The 5 Keys to Building a Great Brand – RICK CESARI | DMR #220

The 5 Keys to Building a Great Brand – RICK CESARI | DMR #220
Release Date
