LinkedIn Lead Generation – JIMENA CORTES | DMR #212

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Today I'm joined by a marketing consultant who specialises in LinkedIn lead generation She’s a published author, international speaker and and entrepreneur... welcome to DMR, Jimena Cortes. [You can find Jimena over at]

On this episode of Digital Marketing Radio we discuss LinkedIn lead generation, with topics including:

Why for you is LinkedIn the place to be?
When you’re advising clients on how to generate leads from LinkedIn, are we talking about any industry? Or does it just work best for certain types of businesses? And is this through advertising on LinkedIn? Or building personal connections on LinkedIn?
What would be an example of a success story to demonstrate what you’re talking about?
What are some of the mistakes that you see people making on LinkedIn?
When you connect with someone on LinkedIn you can download their contact details - are you a fan of taking conversations off LinkedIn?
A year ago Microsoft decided to buy LinkedIn. I haven’t seen any significant change since then. How do you think this might impact LinkedIn in the future?
While you’re embracing LinkedIn, I don’t think that you’re on Twitter, is that right?
When it comes to being social on the web do you advise people to stick to one or two networks?

[Tweet ""Always be focused on growing your network, providing value to them." Jimena Cortes #LinkedIn"]
Software I couldn't live without
What software do you currently use in your business that if someone took away from you, it would significantly impact your marketing success?
Basecamp [Project management software]
What software don't you use, but you've heard good things about, and you've intended to try at some point in the near future?
Everwebinar [Automated webinar software]
My number 1 takeaway
What's the single most important step from our discussion that our listeners need to take away and implement in their businesses?
Think about the people that can take you from where you are to where you want to be. Figure out ways to get those people into your network. For me, the way I've done that has been LinkedIn. Maybe you want to join an association, but if you can find them on LinkedIn that's the easiest way to go. There's always somebody who can help you get to the next thing, so figure out what that is and always be focused on growing your network, providing value to them. But also having people in place that you can turn to today or maybe a few years down the line.

LinkedIn Lead Generation – JIMENA CORTES | DMR #212

LinkedIn Lead Generation – JIMENA CORTES | DMR #212
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