Justin Tseng

Release Date:

This episode includes an interview with City Councilor Justin Tseng. Updates about his work on city council can be found on his instagram page @justin4medford.  

Information about Belinda Sutton used to write today's introduction was take from royallhouse.org. As mentioned in the intro, the full text of Belinda Sutton's petition can be found at https://royallhouse.org/belinda-suttons-1783-petition-full-text/ 

Contact information for city counselors can be found here : https://www.medfordma.org/city-council-3/ 

The next Medford Charter Review Commission Meeting will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, February 16th at 7pm. You can join using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86098763067?pwd=eVpIK0VxVnBpSXBjazZPSXNRT3pMQT09 

Thanks so much for listening to day’s episode and as always, if you have feedback about this episode or ideas for future episodes, you can email medfordpod@gmail.com. You can also subscribe, rate and review the podcast on spotify and apple podcasts. Thanks so much for listening.

Justin Tseng

Justin Tseng
Release Date
