Before You Get Injured Learn How to Rebound with Carrie Jackson and Cindy Kuzma

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Statistically, there’s a good chance you will get injured this year. Even if you do everything right, like eating and sleeping well, and keeping up with your strength training.
It can make you feel helpless when your physical and mental health as well as your identity are defined by running.
But if you get through the injury process well, you might even be better off than you were before you got hurt.
Welcome to the Planted Runner. I’m Coach Claire Bartholic and my mission is to help you improve your running, your mindset, and your life with science-backed training and plant-based nutrition.
Today I’ll be talking with Cindy Kuzma and Carrie Jackson who have devoted their careers to helping injured runners.
You’ll learn:

Specific mental tools and techniques for getting through an injury with your sanity,

How to stay active and keep your fitness even if you can’t run, and

How you can get through an injury and come back better than before.

Cindy and Carrie co-host the Injured Athletes Club Podcast and are co-authors of Rebound: Train Your Mind to Bounce Back Stronger from Sports Injuries. Cindy has bylines in Runner’s World, SELF, The New York Times, and more.  
Carrie is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. She’s been featured as an expert in numerous publications such as Outside Magazine, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Runner’s World, and the New York Times.
Cindy and Carrie have talked to runners at all levels who’ve been injured and have bounced back. Their stories, tools, and community are an important resource that you won’t know you’ll need, until you do.
Don’t forget to stay tuned all the way to the end of the episode for another Mental Strength Minute. Fortify your mind in 60 seconds or less.
Support for this episode is brought to you from my friends at Previnex. They make my new favorite premium, plant-based protein powder called Nourify Plus. I’ll explain more later in the show or head to now and use the coupon code PR15 to get 15% off.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Great info! Great podcast!
“I have truly enjoyed this podcast as I prepare for my first half marathon. Claire’s honest approach to what has worked for her helps me take new ideas and try them out to see if they fit me. I look forward to each one and thanks to the most recent one, I now understand “splits”. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information with us.”
Ihleel via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/19/23
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Love this podcast!
“I found Clair through her previously hosted running podcast & was excited when she started her own podcast. Great information about running & I am looking forward to reading her book. I’ve implemented some of the information & tips I’ve learned from her into my running.”
Laura in Pittsburgh via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/19/23
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Great Information, Awesome Podcast
“Thank you for keeping it real and down to earth. I love the podcast on pelvic floor as I am nearing that age where hormonal changes and muscle weakness start to creep in. The information on this podcast, and all the others, is super helpful. Great job, and thank you!”
Runner1321 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/18/23

Before You Get Injured Learn How to Rebound with Carrie Jackson and Cindy Kuzma

Before You Get Injured Learn How to Rebound with Carrie Jackson and Cindy Kuzma
Release Date
