04/12/2024: Warnings and Walls: FBI Alerts on Terror Threats and the Push for Stronger U.S.-China Ties

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Donate (no account necessary) | Subscribe (account required) In this episode of "The Wright Report," host Bryan Dean Wright, a former CIA Operations Officer, delves into the pressing issues of national and international security that are shaping today's geopolitical landscape. We begin with a stark warning from FBI Director Christopher Wray about the heightened threat of Islamic terrorist attacks within the United States, drawing parallels to recent events in Russia. Wray's testimony highlights an all-time high in security threats across the nation. The episode also explores the ongoing concerns over U.S.-China relations, with discussions on the complex dynamics as American politicians and business leaders continue to engage with the Communist Party of China despite security warnings. Notably, San Francisco's mayor seeks closer ties with Beijing, illustrating the conflicting approaches toward China among U.S. leaders. Further, Bryan provides an in-depth analysis of the illegal immigration challenges at the southern U.S. border, including the influx of gangs and the impact on local communities. The episode captures the growing concerns among Hispanic Americans, evidenced by changing attitudes towards border policies. On the international front, Bryan discusses Canada's issues with Chinese interference in its elections, the strategic shifts in Ukraine's military struggles against Russia, and Brazil's political tensions involving freedom of speech. "The Wright Report" wraps up with a poignant tribute to Lou Conter, a celebrated USS Arizona survivor, reflecting on his life and legacy. This episode offers a comprehensive view of today's security challenges and the responses needed to address them. Join us for a deep dive into the intricacies of global politics and national safety.

04/12/2024: Warnings and Walls: FBI Alerts on Terror Threats and the Push for Stronger U.S.-China Ties

04/12/2024: Warnings and Walls: FBI Alerts on Terror Threats and the Push for Stronger U.S.-China Ties
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