#259: How To Stop Being A Copycat Freelancer | Back To Basics

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In the latest installment of our Back to Basics series, we're diving headfirst into an often overlooked yet vital subject: carving out your unique niche as a freelancer. Today's exploration centers on what I term "The Copycat Freelancer" dilemma.
Don't get me wrong... I’m not here to criticize. Instead, I want to guide you past this hurdle that's probably been holding you back for years.
Imagine I asked you, 'Why should a client choose you over your competitor?' What would your response be?
Most freelancers are stumped by that question, and if you're being honest with yourself, you probably aren’t doing anything unique that sets you apart.
The result? You end up competing on price alone, setting your rates based on what competitors are charging. Ultimately, it's a race to the bottom that builds zero client loyalty and makes your freelancing journey tougher than it needs to be.
In the episode, I delve deeper into the issue of differentiation and give you some help with carving out a unique place in your industry. Of course, this topic is nuanced, and there's a lot more to unpack.
In this episode you’ll discover:

Why a UVP is important to your business

The paperclip vs. the Prada bag

Having an outcome-focused business

How I got an unfair advantage (and you can, too)

Setting yourself up as a specialized business

Examples of well-differentiated businesses

For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/259

#259: How To Stop Being A Copycat Freelancer | Back To Basics

#259: How To Stop Being A Copycat Freelancer | Back To Basics
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