Trust Your Body, Trust the Process, Trust Life

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If you’re struggling with binge eating, you’ve thought at least once that recovery is not possible. You fall short of your goals, and you think that’s it. You can’t possibly reach the other side anymore because of this one slip-up. But sometimes, your body has a mind of its own and may not act in a way that aligns with your goals. But once you free yourself of this obsessive thinking, you’ll discover that the hard days are part of the healing process and you need to trust it.  In this episode, I discuss how a lack of trust is one of the biggest blocks to success. I share tips on how to appreciate your food habits and restore your trust in your body and the recovery process.  Tune in to this episode if you want to learn how to challenge your thinking and live a happier, more hopeful life.  I am now offering a virtual 10-week CLASS! The transformative class will include pre-recorded videos, audio recordings, handouts, membership in a Facebook community. It is packed with content. You can’t take this class and not begin to understand the roots of your eating habits that you might be frustrated with. I am so confident that it will help you that I offer a money back guarantee!  If you would prefer more individualized help, contact me so we can schedule a private virtual session. To sign up for the class or to get private help, you can send me an email at or visit my website. Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full podcast episode:  Discover how to listen to your body and commit to the journey of intuitive eating. Learn how to stay in the present tense and be mindful.  Find out how to challenge fear-based thoughts.  Episode Highlights The Biggest Block  Most people tend to be self-critical, mistakenly believing it’s the only way to achieve their goals. However, countless behavioral studies show that negative self-talk makes people less likely to meet their goals.   Learn to relax your “should haves” around eating – be it your list of safe and unsafe foods, a designated time to eat, or all the rules you think you should follow. Entertain the possibility that you might be wrong and calm down long enough to listen closely to your body. Trust Your Food Habits When we talk about relaxing, it means trusting yourself around food and trying out some in your unsafe category in small quantities.   The trick is to be self-aware and stay present while eating. Give that cookie your full and undivided attention. Savor the flavors and the textures. Don’t go too far off into the future or use the cookie to disassociate from your body. Direct your thoughts to the present moment and the current experience of eating.  Once you’re done, slow down and appreciate the food. Over time, you can learn to trust yourself enough to sit around “scary” foods and eat normal-sized portions with no guilt.  Correcting False Beliefs  One or two cookies aren’t enough to tip the scales, nor are there any magic foods that will make you fat or thin. When you obsessively follow the rules down to the tiniest detail, you’ll only end up being frustrated.  Sometimes, your body may not give you the outcome you expected due to various physiological factors at play. It’s impossible to know for sure how your body is going to react. Don’t spend too much time worrying about that number on the scale that you’re not available for all the other good things in life.  Understand that some things are outside your control. To demand certainty and not get it in return, can be quite stressful. Don’t give power to those numbers on the scale — embrace the uncertainty and don’t forget to relax into the process of life.  Remember the Basics Sometimes, the problem is not the food itself but the fear of it. So, eat only when you’re physically hungry. Eat what your body is craving and stop once you’re satisfied. Remember: you can always have more later since eating is not a one-time thing.    If you’re not hungry, don’t eat your feelings. Allow yourself to feel the entire spectrum of emotions. No amount of numbing through food will satisfy your body when you repress what is supposed to be felt.  Trust the Process When you embark on this journey, know that it’s not instantaneous. It’s not as easy as snapping your fingers and being done with it.  Every once in a while, you may fall back into your bad habits. As long as you're going in the right direction, that's fine. There’s no need to punish yourself for that small, temporary weight gain. Along the process, you’re sure to gain more knowledge and freedom about yourself that can last a lifetime. Why Values Weigh More When you look at the people you love or admire, their weight is hardly the first thing that matters to you. It’s their values or qualities that make them stand out.  You’re the same person even if you’re plus or minus 10 or 20. When you go on this journey, you’ll realize that the number on the scale is insignificant in the greater scheme of things. You are more than just a number. Trust in Life To trust in life means to quiet the destructive thoughts in your head. Consider the possibility that these may not be accurate. Question them relentlessly and challenge the beliefs that are not serving you in this journey. With awareness and clarity, take control of your mind and start looking at things in a different light.     Sometimes, bad things can bring the most value. It’s in our darkest times that we learn and understand ourselves. Only when you let go and trust life in those awful moments can you grow stronger. Trust that everything will make sense, and life happens for your benefit, even if it doesn't appear that way right now.   5 Powerful Quotes from this Episode “If you can allow yourself to just put one foot in front of the other and trust the process, trust life, and trust your body for a lot of you, then I really think it can be a game-changer.” “You can't be mindful if your thoughts are in the future or you can't be mindful if your thoughts are shut off, and you're not even thinking.” “Sometimes it's not the food or the weight; it's the fear.” “The rule of thumb is if you're not hungry physically, but you want to eat, then feel. Allow yourself to feel. You won’t die. You need to feel. No amount of numbing is going to satisfy the body’s need to feel.”  “Aren't you the same person plus or minus 10, or 20, or 30, or even 50, or whatever?” If you listened to the podcast and enjoyed it, please share and post a review! Have any questions or want to schedule an appointment? You can email me at or visit my website. To making peace with eating, Betsy

Trust Your Body, Trust the Process, Trust Life

Trust Your Body, Trust the Process, Trust Life
Release Date
