Mikeitz מקץ 2023 Always Pray

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When things are tough, we pray to Hashem. However, it is important to realize that even when things are seemingly natural occurrences and we are acting accordingly- just as we should, in truth, we still have to realize that everything is orchestrated by Hashem and we must pray. This is the lesson that Yakov gave the Shfatim before their return, to Mitzraim. Although everything that transpired appeared as natural occurrences,according to nature and although they prepared everything in a natural manner- preparing a present for the king and taking extra money, praying to Hashem was essential. In addition, this is also the miracle of Chanukah. Although it might have seemed like a natural/regular war, in truth, it was a miraculous war - as stated ‘the many in the hands of the few, etc..’

לקו״ש כה

Mikeitz מקץ 2023 Always Pray

Mikeitz מקץ 2023 Always Pray
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