Episode 6: Creativity is a Muscle - Writing & Publishing with Amanda Shofner

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Amanda Shofner satisfies her need for adventure through the written word. She’s a self-published author who has written urban fantasy, non-fiction and romantic suspense. She’s a voracious reader, TV-watcher and Minneapolis native. We chatted with Amanda about her writing process, alpha readers, beta readers, pantsing, plotting and a little bit of everything in between.
Here’s where to find Amanda Shofner:
Website/blog: http://amandashofner.com/
My blog posts at Mill City Press/where my non-personal writing content is: https://www.millcitypress.net/blog/authors/amanda-shofner
Published: http://published.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/amshofner
Instagram: http://instagram.com/amshofner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amshofnerauthor/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/amshofner/
Writing Sprint Hashtags: #NaNoWriMo #AmWriting
Mill City Press self-publishing services: https://www.millcitypress.net
Here’s where to find Ashley:
Website: www.BrooksEditorial.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brookseditorial
Instagram: http://instagram.com/brookseditorial
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/brookseditorial
Here’s where to find Abbigail:
Website: www.InkwellsandImages.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abbigailekriebs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbigailekriebs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inkwellsandimages/
Mini Book Club:
The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi
The Lunar Chronicle Series by Marissa Meyer
Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo
“Everything I have done in life has led me to where I am now.” -- Amanda
“Writing is a priority and I had to figure out how to fit it in my life.” -- Amanda
“I started writing 30 minutes every morning. A morning is not a morning without writing.” -- Amanda
“Your self control stumbles over into other areas of your life when you choose to be really diligent about something.” -- Abbigail
“You don’t need a lot of time to write.” -- Amanda
“A lot of the things that I told myself about writing were wrong. Writing is what you make it.” - Amanda
“If you commit to writing and if it is something you really want to do, you will be surprised in where you can find the time.” -- Amanda
“[Netflix] is kind of an easy pit to fall into.” -- Ashley
“It’s tough to find a balance: sometimes you do need those days where you don’t do anything.” -- Ashley
“Sometimes just doing the work in your daily life takes a fair amount of creativity.” -- Ashley
“The first draft can be terrible. I can hit delete later on in revision. But I need to write terrible now to get to the next point.” -- Amanda
“Given the choice between something that I am really excited about and something that I want to never look at again, it was an easy choice.” -- Amanda
“You need to be excited about the project that you are working on.” -- Ashley
“You still run into problems, but writing can be enjoyable.” -- Amanda
“Times are changing in self-publishing: it’s no longer a last resort.” -- Amanda
“It’s probably smarter to focus on one thing at a time.” -- Ashley
“That’s why I have a full-time job: I can write as much as I want and not have to worry about what is paying my bills.” -- Amanda
“Having a full time job allows you to take a little more risk and fail a little more often.” -- Abbigail
“The ability to fail is huge. You have to be able to fail in order to succeed. Failing means you are trying things.” -- Amanda
“Creativity is more like a muscle: you have to train it to do what you want it to do.” -- Amanda
“Writers struggle at finding other people to connect with. It is a very isolating experience.” -- Amanda
“Writing sprints are how I am able to do as much as I do.” - Amanda

Episode 6: Creativity is a Muscle - Writing & Publishing with Amanda Shofner

Episode 6: Creativity is a Muscle - Writing & Publishing with Amanda Shofner
Release Date
